Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh, Lead Me To A Quiet Cell...

The first words I've uttered concerning Leicester's Mai 68s were on Anorak, and I believe it was something like "oh my god. oh my god. so good. so so so good." Yknow, something like that. I meant it, I really did – no hyperbole at all. Their new single on Cloudberry Records – and particularly the song "Lead Me To A Quiet Cell" – has been on endless repeat here since I first heard it. What The Mai 68s have got is a perfectly controlled mess of dreamy vocals and multiple waves of ringing guitars that seem to splill into a haze of feedback at all the right moments. There's also gotta be something quite great about the drums because they've been bouncing around in the back of my head for the past two days. Basically, how can anyone not love these guys(and girl)? The Mai 68s are 2008's Black Tambourine. There, I said it. Everyone else was thinking it, surely.

[MP3]: The Mai 68s :: Lead Me To A Quiet Cell (Super Recommended!!!)

Go get the single from Cloudberry Records while the getting's good!
The Mai 68s on MySpace!

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Blogger Marianthi said...

I'm with you, Matt. I think they're fantastic! A bit confused when they play live but I'm sure they'll get there in time. Julie's voice is just glorious.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Trev Oddbox said...

I with Marianthi. They're not so hot live - but the stuff I have heard recorded sounds good.

5:23 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

at least you guys have had a chance to see them :'(

11:01 AM  
Blogger The Boy and the Cloud said...

uk's answer to vivian girls? i love the sound of "lead me to a qiuet cell" too, you can totally hear what joe foster has done for them. that's why they remind me of tibi lubin as well.

hopefully they've had time to get lots of practice in before indietracks. why don't we all pitch in and get matt a flight ticket? :)

12:34 PM  
Blogger Jon M said...

If you hear the demo of Lead me theres very little difference to that and the Joe Foster version. The joe foster version just sounds a bit more produced. If anybody wants to here it drop me a line at the myspace and ill send a link across

7:51 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

ooh im interested!

12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping they would be better live cos I don't think this is that great! I hear potential but you can tell they're just starting out.

Also, a Pam Berry comparison should not be given out lightly! Pam of the gorgeous, strong, clear, unwavering voice. This woman's does not even approach Pam's!

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack. I sound really negative there like I think they suck. That is not the case. I just want more feedback and more passion. I'm just being all needy.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

haha, i understand! the black tambourine comparison was leaning more towards the instrumentation, rather than the vocals. i assure you, i as well anyone know that pam berry cannot be topped.

4:21 PM  

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