Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grumble grumble grumble...

While reading through this article (and it's subsequent comments) on Tom and Trev's new Fuzzy Pop blog (which you should read, by the way), I came upon this video. I pray this isn't for real, though I think that it may just be.

Not only are the entire seven and a half minutes of the video tremendously cringe-worthy, but some of it is just factually incorrect! Postcard Records released C86 in 1985? Uh huh, and Tony Wilson founded Sarah Records, too! If you really feel the need to make such a misguided video, fine, but come on, at least do your research!

And I guess while I'm still ranting... What is this???

best record labels:

1. Series Two Records 74
2. Slumberland Records 12
3. Matinee Recordings 10
4. Cloudberry Records 8
5. Shelflife Records 4
Wee POP! Records 4
6. Labrador Records 3
Monkeymind Records 2
Magic Marker Records 2
Siesta Records 2
YAY! Records 2

(from the 2008 Twee.net poll)

Something seems a bit off. Hmm, perhaps it's that Series Two has over 60 more votes than every other label!!! Other labels that, in my humble opinion, had far brighter years than that of Series Two Records. So where did all these votes come from? And why did these 60 or so voters not vote for anything else – as the winners of each and every other voting category topped out at UNDER 20 VOTES?! Something is rotten in the state of Indiepop!

Now if you will excuse me, it snowed a lot today and I'm going sledding.
StumbleUpon Toolbar Stumble It!


Blogger martijn said...

It is a bit odd, isn't it. In the past you could view the individual votes and it'd be interesting to see them.

Concratulations for being the Best Blog though. And happy sledding! x

5:24 AM  
Blogger ourpeboritp!o!p! said...

what a nice video you found....er, now I seem to understand what Crayola Sarandon was singing about. Watch out for trees while sleeding!



5:08 PM  
Blogger Trev Oddbox said...

FuzzyPop is Tom's and not mine. Think he needed a place to grumble! ;-) Our joint blog is the Lostmusic one!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Ah, okay. I figured it was a joint effort as well, due to the header there... everyone needs a place to grumble, dont they?! :)

5:32 PM  
Blogger The Boy and the Cloud said...

and then came jamc....

you just gotta love that.

and besides, you've missed the whole point: this isn't about pop - it's tweepapp.

5:44 PM  
Blogger The Boy and the Cloud said...

btw, you CAN see the individual votes here:

have fun counting the doubles :)

5:46 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

tweepapp! hahah..

it's quite interesting to see those votes. and how many people just popped in to vote series two and nothing else!

6:04 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

I must change that banner LOL!

12:18 PM  
Blogger Craig said...

controversy in the indiepop world - luv it

3:09 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

it's quite healthy, yes?

3:29 PM  
Blogger matty said...

i'm so twee, i only eat tootsie rolls for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, i watch yo gabba gabba on nick jr., and i wear dresses with flowers on them all the time.

i think if this video is fake, it would be that guy who said his favorite twee band is los campesinos! that would give it away.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Librarian Russ said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Librarian Russ said...

I doubt there was any unfair play, I think most likely Christopher spammed everyone he knew and told them to go vote for SeriesTwo, so there was a big influx of voters who wouldn't have otherwise voted at all.

That said, I think Slumberland should have won.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay, so a few facts were off in that video, but it seemed to be made by a high school or college student, so given that I didn't think it was too bad!

AS far as the tweenet poll goes, I just think other labels didn't try to advertise the poll or suggest that anyone should vote for them. and clearly, i think SLUMBERLAND deserves the title of best indie pop label of '08 - They've signed/released all my favorite friends' bands in 2008 that In The Red hasn't. :)

8:58 AM  

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