Monday, May 11, 2009

He knows I will ignore what he does to me


Dreamdate's new record 'Patience' has mid-90s Northwest written all over it – and when it strays geographically, it's heart is still in the right place (i.e., that wonderful "Go Fish" cover). Best friends Yea-Ming Chen and Anna Hillburg make up the whole of Dreamdate and it seems the two of them have only got one goal: putting smiles on faces. I read somewhere that they're just barely escaped being pop. Frankly I couldn't disagree more. Dreamdate are undeniably pop. They've got irresistibly sweet, catchy melodies and their songs are full of this childhood gossip of sorts that, as you know, I just can't resist getting all wrapped up in. Dreamdate's cuddly pop songs will be the perfect soundtrack to your little sister's next backyard pillowfight, for sure. Listen to "8 Sleeves". Very recommended if you're into Tiger Trap, Cub, AGSFB, or, um, you know, Portland in general. Heh.

[MP3]: Dreamdate :: 8 Sleeves (Highly Recommended!)

'Patience' is the second release on Portland-based Skywriting Records.
You can order the CD from their online shop.
Dreamdate on MySpace!

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