Monday, October 17, 2005

The Arrogants

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Chris beat me to these guys, but just incase you only visit my blog and not his(which is HIGHLY unlikely) here they are, dont miss out on them. The Arrogants make wonderfully dreamy pop that's really great for a Monday morning, or any morning, or any day for that matter. Thats why i love it. Plus, Jana Heller's vocals are beautiful and particularly on "Dont Die Before Your Day" they sound dreadfully desperate.

Their brand new album, You've Always known When Best to Say Goodbye, was released today and can be purchased @ Twee Kitten. The new album boasts an incedible 23 tracks! and comes with a DVD chock full of exras! and it's only $7.50! Good Luck finding a better deal than that, especially for music this good.

From the new album:
Dont Die Before Your Day (Very Highly Rec'd!)
Antony and Cleopatra
Cool Shoes

Be their friend on Myspace
Visit Gorilla vs. Bear for a couple more great tracks.

*UPDATE* The release date has been pushed back a couple days due to shipping issues...
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