Monday, July 23, 2007

The Most Serene Republic: "Sherry And Her Butterfly Net"


I can't really explain the excitement that washed over me today as I read news of the new album from one of my very, very favorite bands, The Most Serene Republic. Their tour EP, Phages, was one of my favorite releases of 2006, but I was still dying for a new album -- and now we finally have it! The new record, Population, will be out October 2nd on Arts & Crafts, and if I read correctly, they'll also be pressing it on VINYL!

Now, I wasn't this excited over just a release date and cover art, it's the new song (!) that's got me all excited, because, well, it's completely awesome! LISTEN, RIGHT NOW! NOW!

[MP3]: The Most Serene Republic :: Sherry And Her Butterfly Net (VERY REC'D!)
Opening with what sounds like an entire ochestral pit tuning up, the various strings and horns (why did i think I heard horns?) eventually cut off sharply by a heavily reverbed call, allowing just enough silence before the piano comes in, signaling the real beginning. Soon comes the rest of the band, with Adrian and Emma tossing vocal duties back and forth, while the music is literally rushing beneath them. The best part of the song is this amazing intensity it builds up. It's moving so fast that by the time it hits a break, it feels like it's just gonna snap when it starts back up. But, it doesnt; it just goes faster.

The Most Serene Republic on MySpace

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This song is absolutely gorgeous. O_O <3

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had previously written this band off because i didn't like some of the earlier stuff, but this is, could we say aggressively lush?

8:47 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

i think thats a pretty muhc perfect way of describing it.

also, were you at the day show on saturday? i ended up waking up late and we didnt get there till about 4. saw human host, blood baby, and beach house though. but i also missed santa dads and i forgot my camera, so thats also sucked..

12:00 AM  
Blogger WillHungover said...

This is redemption for my disappointment in the new Stars album.

12:14 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

i feel the exact same way, man.

12:40 AM  

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