Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ringo Deathstarr: "Sweet Girl"

Austin, TX's mighty Ringo Deathstarr.

Excuse me for being a bit late on the best shoegaze record of the year, but frankly I've been far too busy enjoying the crap out of every second of Ringo Deathstarr's debut self-titled EP, to even think about writing about it. But now that I've managed to take a step back from it, I've noticed that Ringo Deathstarr, as well as other recent cohorts such as The Manhattan Love Suicides, seem to have more than just a "thing" for the brothers Reid. They don't just appreciate their work, they obviously grew up on it, had that ringing wash of electric joy instilled somewhere in their psyche. They don't just like those sounds, they fucking adore them – and the Reid brothers should be mighty chuffed, as we all know that imitation, especially imitation this damn good, is the very greatest form of flattery*. Listen, you and I both know I'm a horrid writer, what I'm trying to say is, don't you dare overlook this record. Don't you dare.

[MP3]: Ringo Deathstarr :: Sweet Girl (SUPER AMAZING RECOMMENDED PLUS!)

Buy the EP from SVC Records for cheap!
Ringo Deathstarr on MySpace!

*It is entirely possible that the members of Ringo Deathstarr don't "fucking adore" JAMC, but if I weren't to assume such a thing, this post would've been one sentence long; now who want's that? Nobody, that's who.

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