Monday, January 07, 2008

Cloudberry Contest Winners

Drum Roll! Thanks to everyone who entered the Cloudberry contest. Some of you who enetered didn't leave full names or actual names at all, so I'm just going to announce by first name. If you won, you should be receiving an email sometime this week from Roque. Okay, so, the five winners of the Cloudberry contest are:

Nadav (IndieMP3 winner)
David (IndieMP3 winner)
Danny (Skatterbrain winner)
Herbie (Skatterbrain winner)
Apl (Skatterbrain winner)

I wish everyone could've won, but hopefully we'll be doing something like this again sometime, and who knows, maybe you'll win then! We're still in the process of trying to think of a good name for the podcast, but I'm hoping to maybe get the first one out by February! Exciting!

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Blogger Dan-onymous said...

Oh happy day! This is the best Monday ever! And way better than that time I won a disco light.

11:41 AM  

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