Thursday, August 07, 2008

We got a love that's deep in our hearts


I tend to not receive too many things in my inbox these days that really interest me, but when I saw all the JAMC and BJM namedrops in an email from Indianapolis' Thunders, I figured I better check it out. The lion's share of their Sympathetic Oscillations EP actually tends to lean far more BJM than JAMC, which was a slight disappointment initially, but yknow, it's still pretty darn good. I'm still not sure how I feel about the vocals – there's just something about them bugging me – but, the screaming guitars and chugging bass, and the vocal melodies, too, on "Magicsick" have me pretty hooked at the moment.

[MP3]: Thunders :: Magicsick (Recommended!)

Thunders on MySpace!

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