We played for hours, looking for the fucking flowers
Pete and Pete
Not only was Pete and Pete the greatest television show to ever exist, but it also had a soundtrack better than any show ever had or ever will again. It's no secret that someone behind the show was a huge Stephin Merritt fan, as the the series is peppered with a little bit of everything he's ever done – Mag Fields, 6ths, Gothic Archies – it's all there. Everybody's heard those songs though. Right now I'd like to highlight what I think was the best song ever used on the show – the song that came bursting out of the speakers in "35 Hours" as Big Pete popped in a Kreb Zeppelin 8-track. The song, "Flowers" is, of course, NOT by Kreb Zeppelin, but by Dunedin band Chug. Chug featured the lovely voice of Norma O'Malley (from Look Blue Go Purple) and released several records on New Zealand's Flying Nun label in the early to mid 90s, but "Flowers" still remains the only song I've ever heard from them. It appeared on their very first 7" in 1992. It's a noisy, charging song and couldn't be more perfect for a sunny day. Listen! You Must! "This is gonna be goooooooooooooooood!"
[MP3]: Chug :: Flowers (Hiiiiiighly Recommended!)
Have a great day! :)
Labels: Chug, Flying Nun Records, Pete and Pete
Stumble It!
Oh man, I love this track! And all that Look Blue Go Purple stuff, too, especially "Cactus Cat" and "I Don't Want You Anyway," which to me sounds like precursor to Electrelane.
Oh, and "Hey Sandy" is the greatest TV theme song of all time. Just sayin'.
Makes me want to take a road trip to the Hoover Dam, replete with roof-stacking competition. Love Pete & Pete, and this song is beautiful.
make sure you keep your elbow way out the window!
Will do...it's the only way to become King O Frod.
good grief ... i just stumbled across your blog during a google images search for the softies and wow. so. much. goodness. capped off with pete and pete!
glad i found you.
i fucking love this song. good find matt.
I just love the way you speak about each song here...
All my respect...Sent from Romania.
you seen this?:
I own the EP Kisser, anyone want to buy it from me?
I own the EP Kisser, anyone want to buy it from me?
I own the EP Kisser on CD, I don't really listen to it much any more though. Maybe someone is interested in buying it from me.
I own the EP Kisser on CD, I don't really listen to it much any more though. Maybe someone is interested in buying it from me.
I own the official Kisser EP on CD, I don't really listen to it much any more though. Maybe someone is interested in buying it from me, it's in pretty good condition.
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