Where have all the good sperms gone?
I admittedly don't know too much about Ubangi other than that they were Swedish and featured Cia Soro who would later be in the more well-known, and much less stranger, Whale. This song is incredibly infectious though – well, for me it is anyway. Though who could really deny how fantastic that guitar is, really. Watch at your own risk! Haha.
Several of their records are pretty easy to come by, though Oh No, I'm Pregnant!, the album this song originally appeared on, is proving to be exteremely difficult to track down. It looks like this. If you see it anywhere, give it to me!
Several of their records are pretty easy to come by, though Oh No, I'm Pregnant!, the album this song originally appeared on, is proving to be exteremely difficult to track down. It looks like this. If you see it anywhere, give it to me!
Labels: Sweden, Ubangi, Youtube
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Wonderful video! I don't know much about Ubangi either, but after a view at the Swedish wikipedia site they were active in the beginning of the eighties and consisted of earlier mentioned Cia Berg, Ted Bolin, Anders Eriksson (later contributing in the Swedish post punk group 'Lustans Lakejer'), Thomas Eriksson (who later on made a great solo career as 'Orup', one of Sweden's most famous domestic pop artists), Ragnar Orsén, "Crille" Papper, Mats Wigerdal and Pälle Wiklund. Also, according to Wikipedia, they recieved great acclaim for their live shows, but as their albums didn't report the same eradiation, they split up after their second one.
Anyhow, great song!
Liking your blog! do you have an email I can reach you at? Thought you might be interested in some info on our new label from Stockholm...
//Don Simon
O The Crystal Lake [http://inthecrystallake.blogspot.com/] indica o Skatterbrain ao Prêmio Dardos.
Com o Prêmio Dardos se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro emprega ao transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais, etc. Que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que está e permanece intacto entre suas letras, entre suas palavras. Esses selos foram criados com a intenção de promover a confraternização entre os blogueiros, uma forma de demonstrar carinho e reconhecimento por um trabalho que agregue valor à Web.
Leia mais em http://inthecrystallake.blogspot.com/2009/03/premio-dardos.html
Does anyone know the name of the song in this video?
hey wuz up????
heres my email lets talk!!!!!!
Loves you!!!!!
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