Monday, March 09, 2009

I'm romantic by design


"I'm overwhelmed sometimes, by all the rational types who just dismiss coincidence and instinct and perception, as a trick of the mind" sings Emma Pocketbooks on "Fleeting Moments" – the second track on the London pop group's debut LP, Flight Paths. I just ordered my copy this past weekend, so I haven't gotten a chance to hear the whole thing yet, but I've heard wonderful things from all corners of the world and the one new song I have heard is a gem, so my expectations are pretty high right now! I have a good feeling that they'll be more than met though. Ian's fast-paced guitarwork is quite a lovely surprise on "Fleeting Moments" and my feeling is that had Stuart Murdoch been singing vocals for the track, it wouldn't feel a bit out of place on The Boy With The Arab Strap. Of course, Stuart isn't actually singing, but Andy and Emma are – and as usual, harmonizing beautifully. Pocketbooks' songwriting has always been above the top notch and Flight Paths is likely to only further their reputation as some of the finest songwriters in indiepop today.

[MP3]: Pocketbooks :: Fleeting Moments

You can order Flight Paths now from the How Does It Feel To Be Loved? label! I would highly suggest that you do so or you might end up missing out on what could be some of the year's best indiepop!

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Blogger Marianthi said...

I listen to this album twice a day. It's the sweetest, most evocative record you could ever hope for. <3 <3 Hope you like it when you eventually have it in your hands!

4:40 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

i cant wait to get it! ive been dying to hear it all. eeeeeeeeeee!!!! :)

2:55 PM  

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