Broken Social Scene Rarities

Due to the beautiful weather lately I've been listening to a lot of energentic happy sunshiney bands, or more specifically, a whole lot of Broken Social Scene. There's no more perfect song for flying down the road wit the sun shining and a nice breeze blowing than "Almost Crimes" and I don't think there's too many people who will dispute that. Anyway, I came across a couple Broken Social Scene tunes a lot of you probably haven't heard and thought you might like to hear them.
[MP3]: Broken Social Scene :: Stars and Spit LINK FIXED :)
This song appears on the forthcoming 7/4 (Shoreline) single, which will be available on March 27th on City Slang/Arts & Crafts, as a CD, 7" and download. If you're feeling detective-like today, you might have already assumed from the title of the track that it is indeed a remix/mash-up of two Broken Social Scene songs, "Stars and Sons" and "Lover's Spit." It uses the instrumentation from both songs and blends them perfectly with the vocals from "Lover's Spit", it's a very interesting listen.
[MP3]: Broken Social Scene :: Almost Crimes (Acoustic)
There isn't much to explain about this one, other than the fact that it is amazing. Back in June of 2004, Broken Social Scene found themselves at a Parisian radio station and recorded a six song acoustic set that included "Almost Crimes," an Apostle of Hustle jam, an Amy Millan ditty, a new Jason Collett tune and few other "classics." The shear beauty of this version takes this song to a whole different level and since I've heard it, I've found a new love for Broken Social Scene.
Buy Live at Radio Aligre FM in Paris from GalleryAC.
Watch the new video for "7/4 (Shoreline)" here. I really really love this video and Fiest is beautiful as always.

The first link doesn't work, man.
yes it does.
check again.
Another vote for not working first link. Though I did get to see some nifty Quicktime logo with a question mark for the first time in my life.
ditto on the Stars & Spit not working - nevertheless, that version of Almost Crimes is fantastic. Thanks
1st don't work.
okay hold on, ill check it.
very starnge.
aww matt you changed the looks so good!
Wow, so good. Thank you.
hmm I can't seem to dl the acoustic on my netpumper because the url contains * (asterisks). is there any way you could fix that, please?
ummm, i can rename it and reupload when i get home later.
the link for the stars and spit song still doesn't work :( now i'm sad.
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