Radiohead Remixes

There was a pretty good response the last Radiohead post I made so I figured there might be some people who might be interested in these. There are a lot of Radiohead remixes out there, especially with the recent remix album releases and what have you. Like I said, there are countless remixes of Radiohead songs, but these two happen to be my favorites out of the many, many that I've heard, so enjoy.
[MP3]: Radiohead :: Skttrbrain (Four Tet RMX)
Nope, that's not a typo, that's how it's titled. Remix the song, remix the title, get it? Anyway, that's why I spell Skatterbrain on this website, with a "k." Enough about that, onto the song. Personally, I find it to be a much more interesting listen than the original version from Hail to the Thief. Four Tet did an incredible job of getting across the feeling of the song, which is obviously chaos and confusion, as brilliantly showcased with arcade bells, glitchy fuzzed out keyboards, and whats sounds like someone's fine china being shook in bag. This remix appeared on 2005's COM LAG (2plus2isfive) EP.
[MP3]: Radiohead :: Climbing Up the Walls (Zero 7 Mix)
This version gives the song an almost completely feel, gone are the strings and guitars, and in their place, eerie synths and drum machine beats. This song might as well say Portishead remix after, because that's exactly what it sounds like, that creepy lounge music sound. It's a little jazzy, a little creepy and a sort of uneasy listen, but ultimately rewarding. This track appears as a b-side on the second Karma Police single released in 1997.
Head here for a very interesting interview with Constellation Records co-founder Don. In the interview, Don talks about the future of his label, the music industry in general, his thoughts on compressed online music, and announces disappointing news about 2006 for GYBE!
Matt's been getting some great interviews lately, his latest Q&A with Honus from Man Man is definitely worth the read.
Head over to I Guess I'm Floating and pick up a couple tracks from Carl Newman's other other band, Zumpano. Sounds a bit more along the lines of his solo stuff than The New Pornographers, worth a listen though.

Thanks for the Zero 7 remix, been after it for ages...
Good stuff... broke my promise not to download any more music [only have like 2GB memory left on my laptop]... I have a post with the latest Radiohead news, and lots of cool covers. here's the link for the cover/live tracks..
Brilliant post, once again.
si tu veux entendre ma version de “Nude”…
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