Sunday, July 02, 2006

Los Campesinos: "You! Me! Dancing!"

The Arctic Monkeys had almost gone and completely ruined my love for heavy accents in music, but luckily for me, Los Campesinos have gone and totally reestablished my old feelings. This Cardiff, UK band makes highly dancable pop music with influences ranging from Pavement and Sonic Youth to The Shins and The Unicorns. Word on the street is that they now have an EP out, but I don't see anything mentioned on their MySpace about it and I do believe that that is their only home on the internet. I shall investigate this further and if you like it, I'll try to point you in the right direction for more. This song has the potential to be one of my favorite car-dancing songs of the Summer.

[MP3]: Los Campesinos :: You! Me! Dancing!
There is over a minute of this amazing ringing, almost math-rock-esque, guitar buildup in the beginning of the song before it bleeds into some quick paced kick and then just like, it blows up right in front of your face, trading precise picked ringing for rough jangly bliss. When the ultra catchy chorus comes around, these kids are set on making sure you know they can dance: "If there's one thing I could never confess, it's that I can't dance a single step, it's you, it's me, it's dancing!" The spoken word/chorus at the end of the song took a few listens to grow on me, but I think it really adds to the song, which typically isn't the case with those type of vocals.

Los Campesinos on MySpace

I've been asked by a few people lately if I would do a sort of "song for the traveler" mix and at first I was kinda ehhhh about the idea because I figured it would be essentially like the Summer Drive mix, but after thinking about it, I realized it could be much different. It would be for like, people traveling sans automobile, through say, the woods, the mountains, cornfields, the the arctic, etc. I would really like people to be involved in this one though, meaning you guys make suggestions or send me songs you think would be appropriate. I'm going to do a more developed introduction post about this idea, but this is just an early heads up to see if it's even something that would be worth doing.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew you'd like them Matt!

7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just so you know... if they're from cardiff they'd be Welsh and have welsh accents not english. by the sounds of the song you'd be hard pushed to tell. But if they're welsh then i'm sure they'd be more bothered than I, an english man. what a pedantic sod i am.

11:41 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

i love them dean! thanks for the tip!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are indeed from wales, but FROM england. apparently they're all students that happen to study in cardiff but were all born in england...or russia in the case of one of them. how very continental.

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. You should track down some songs by an artist named Teitur.

Not sure if you're familiar with him but he's got some tunes that would be super on a 'song for the traveller' mix.

Poetry and Aeroplanes
To Meet You

Look for those titles.
If you're out of luck, but still interested, email me at
and I'll hook you up.


5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really love this band. I haven't listen to a song this much in years.

5:24 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

yeah mike, i saw your post on them too. this song is just so infectious i just cant stop playing it.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Say Anything Syndrome said...

this band are absolutely... ecstatic!

for your travellers mix i would recommend some British Sea Power. good walking music - for me anyway. Helps when it's sunny, :D

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Hazel Myers said...

I love how the song builds and explodes with energy.

4:41 PM  

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