Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever

Since the once unstoppable Voxtrot have now fallen into a bit of a boring slump, the fate of pop music in Austin, Texas, in my opinion, now rests on the shoulders of the very excellent Yellow Fever.

I've read a few reviews of that band noting their sound as being mostly unclassifiable, which, to me, doesn't quite make sense. Sure, they've got a pretty unique sound, but I don't believe it's too much to assume that their influences may lie somewhere in the 60s mod/garage/girl-group sound that bands like The Aislers Set hold so dear to their hearts. But while I do believe that Yellow Fever's roots rest in fairly well-worn soil, their songs are hardly carbon-copies. I'd say it's pretty hard to deny that the strength of the band lies in the wonderful vocal harmonies of Jennifer Moore and Isabel Martin (especially on the terribly deep and emotive "iMac"), but the simple, catchy melodies of songs like "Ratcatcher" and "Psychedelic" are really what make the band so easy to love. Check out some songs:

[MP3]: Yellow Fever :: Psychadelic (Highly Recommended!)
[MP3]: Yellow Fever :: iMac (Also Recommended!)

Their appears to no longer be a way to buy their self-titled EP, but never fear, because Hugpatch Records has just released their second EP titled Cats and Rats which so to be amazing! You can order Cats and Rats from Yellow Fever's MySpace now, but it's net yet up on Hugpatch's site.

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Blogger kurt said...

dude, i don't know if you've heard it already but there's a 'new' band called Future Conditional. i said 'new' bcause it features Bobby Wratten from Field Mice,Trembling Blue Stars, Carolyn Allen from The Wake, Melanie Pain from Nouvelle Vague, and Glen Johnson, Angele David-Guillou from Piano Magic. they play retro synthpop reminiscent of classic New Order, OMD, Kraftwerk & Section 25. gotta check them out!!'s the link

3:58 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

ooooh yeah, LTM released their record this year didnt they? i heard about it but kept forgetting to check it out

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First Yellow Fever link isn't working for me.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree, the Voxtrot album is a total snooze-fest!

8:07 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

oops, link is fixed now! sorry!

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, yellow fever is great. also check out belaire. another austin indie pop favorite.

8:53 PM  

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