Friday, August 31, 2007

Säkert!: "Och Jag Grät Mig Till Sömns Efter Alla Dar"

Annika Norlin is Säkert!

Säkert! is another solo project of Annika Norlin from Hello Saferide. If youre familiar with Annika's work as Hello Saferide, then you'll undoubtedly love Säkert!, that is, if you dont already. You will however notice that while Hello Saferide's song are sung in english, Säkert!'s are not, which i find to make them all the more charming to listen to. The music on Säkert!'s debut self-titled LP, released this past February on Razzia Records, is considerably more upbeat than the majority of Hello Saferide's output and I think, much more exciting. Have a listen.

[MP3]: Säkert! :: Och Jag Grät Mig Till Sömns Efter Alla Dar (Highly Rec'd!)
[MP3]: Säkert! :: Allt som är ditt (Highly Recommended!)

You can/should buy Säkert!'s self-titled LP from Razzia Records.
Säkert! on MySpace

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Blogger Kippers said...

I downloaded the Säkert! album a while back, and although I like it I definitely prefer Annika's Hello Saferide stuff, which I think is absolute pop perfection. Still, though, imagine being so talented that your side project is better than most people's main output!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the song "Allt som är ditt" a few months ago, via the YouTube video. It falls into a favorite category of mine-- harsh lyrics accompanied by (relatively) happy music. The video is very well done, simple and moving. And here are the lyrics, translated:

You're walking through the park
it's not even night yet
and there's two behind you that run up and take
all that is yours

You should have screamed
but there is no sound
they don't even have to hold your mouth
all that was yours

oh, what if you'd walked another path
or hadn't been so stupid to walk alone
you maybe had the wrong skirt or walked to slow
it has to be your fault
it has to be your fault

who would have believed you?
you filled in the form like nothing
and then it was gone
all that was yours

all the sleepless nights
all the frantically clinging to constant things
and all that once was yours

oh, what if you'd walked another path
or hadn't been so stupid to walk alone
you maybe had the wrong skirt or walked to slow
it has to be your fault
it was never your fault

The fuckers will be shot
The fuckers will be shot
The fuckers will be shot
The fuckers will be shot

I've heard what his name is
i'm standing here with a gun
i'm going to spend my life
and take back what is yours

Du går genom parken 
det är inte ens natt än 
och två som går bakom springer ifatt och tar 
allt som är ditt 

Du borde ha skrikigt 
men det kommer inget ljud 
dom behöver inte ens hålla för din mun 
allt som var ditt 

åh, tänk om du hade gått en annan väg 
eller inte vart så korkad och gått ute själv 
du kanske hade fel kjol eller kanske gick för sakta 
det måste va ditt fel 
det måste va ditt fel 

Vem skulle ha trott dig? 
du fyllde i blanketten som inget 
och sen så var det borta 
allt som var ditt 

alla sömnlösa nätter 
allt rådlöst klamrande fast till allt som är konstant 
och allt som en gång var ditt 

åh, tänk om du hade gått en annan väg 
eller inte vart så korkad och gått ute själv 
du kanske hade fel kjol eller kanske gick för sakta 
det måste va ditt fel 
det var aldrig ditt fel 

Dom jävlarna ska skjutas 
Dom jävlarna ska skjutas 
Dom jävlarna ska skjutas 
Dom jävlarna ska skjutas 

Jag har hört vad han heter 
jag står med ett gevär 
jag ska spendera mitt liv 
och ta tillbaka allt som är ditt

4:12 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

wow! when I saw the video i knew the song had to be pretty dark, but I had no idea it was THAT dark. yikes!

5:41 PM  
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4:00 AM  

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