Slothbear: "The Exceptional Bastards"
Slothbear EP cover art.
The Slothbear is a wonderful animal and so it's only fitting that a band named after such an awesome creature should, too, be awesome. NYC's Slothbear make noisy, caustic pop songs with more catchiness – and treble – than you could shake a stick at. Since yesterday I've been pretty stuck on them and songs like "The Exceptional Bastards" and "You Make Me Choose You" are so instantly infectious and, well, I don't know, they're just really really good. I wouldn't be surprised if Slothbear were picked up by Siltbreeze in some time soon. However, their debut self-titled EP is out now on internet label Rack and Ruin Records. You can download the whole EP for free HERE! There's plenty of other good records there too, so poke around and download them all for free.
[MP3]: Slothbear :: The Exceptional Bastards (Hiiighly Recommended!)
[MP3]: Slothbear :: You Make Me Choose You (Very Rec'd!!!)
Slothbear on MySpace!
Labels: Rack and Ruin Records, Slothbear, Times New Viking
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great tip! i'll be listening a lot to this. why don't sugarplums release something on rack & ruin?
Yeah Matt. Why don't Sugarplums release something on Rack & Ruin?
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