Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Since Wikipedia tends to deem the depths indiepop not important enough to exist, it's a good thing we've recently taken up our own land! Enter Indiepopedia! Though still in it's early stages, it's on it's way to becoming an incredible and everlasting resource to the International Pop Underground! But! It won't go anywhere without your help – it is a wiki, and that means that YOU need to help build it! So, PLEASE head over and check it out, and PLEASE feel inclined to add and edit anything that you think should be there!!! Everyone's counting on everyone, so let's make this a great thing!

Also, please feel free to join in the discussion over at Anorak! :)


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Blogger Jay said...

Coolvetica? Say it ain't so, Matt. You oughtta learn 'em a thing or two. Anyway I love niche wikis; surprising that granddad Wikipedia doesn't like obsessive indie pop articles like it likes obsessive sci-fi articles.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

it's not coolvetica, jay! it's chalet comprime... which coolvetica is basically a rip-off of.

7:44 PM  

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