Christmas Mix! Finally!
Let's pretend he just saw Santa.
Holy Moly Merry Christmas!!! So, um, sorry about saying I would put this up last Thursday and then actually putting it up five days later, but Christmas picked a bad time of year to take place. If it wasn't finals week and I didn't have a handful of finals projects due I might be able to better take in the abundant cheer that the Christmas season brings. Oh well, at least I've got next week. So, instead of studying for a History of Modern Design exam I bring you Jangle Bells: An Indiepop Christmas! Now, not only is it an incredible play on words, but it is also a very festive, and very enjoyable holiday mix! This mix is a lot more varied than last years, and a bit more interesting, too. There's definitely some of your standard indiepop fare, but there's also the beautiful vocal harmonizing of The Free Design's "Christmas Is The Day," the dancefloor stomp of Thee Headcoatees' "Santa Claus," "Mr. Scrooge" from girl-group, The Orchids, and yknow, much more. So download away and I hope it makes your Christmas just a little bit poppier!
[ZIP]: Jangle Bells: An Indiepop Christmas (12 MP3s, 50mb)
01. The Cannanes :: Six White Boomers
02. The Aislers Set :: The Snow Doesn't Fall
03. Boyracer :: Every Day Is Christmas With You
04. The Free Design :: Christmas Is The Day
05. The Specific Heats :: Winter Fashions
06. Thee Headcoatees :: Santa Claus
07. The Orchids :: Mr. Scrooge
08. The Raveonettes :: The Christmas Song
09. Betty & The Cavaleros :: Love Will Come Back To You
10. The Garlands :: Christmas Song
11. Velocity Girl :: Merry Christmas, I Love You
12. The Lucksmiths :: The Thought That Counts
Okay, so I've been getting a fair amount of emails concerning the compilation CD... Well, the short answer is that it's done! It is actually done!!! It's ready to buy and everything, but I haven't made it available to buy yet because I'm gonna be heading home for an extended holiday in a week and I wont be able to mail anything out while I'm there – not to mention that after these last few weeks of school, I just want a break from everything! So, as for the long answer? Expect to be able order one come early to mid January! I promise this time! :) It's funny because they still have "June 2008" screenprinted on the back... oh, procrastination!
Merry Christmas everyone!!! Stumble It!
the kid in the pic is adorable !
i think it's the hat
yes or perhaps his wide-mouthed expression :)
Fantastic mix, Matt! WOW! I'd never heard of that Aislers Set one before and it was a really lovely treat. Oh Linton.
Thank you! xx
Matt, tell me more about Thee Headcoatees..
can't wait to go home and listen to this one!
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