Monday, March 09, 2009

Bad news bears and good news bears


When stopping by the Tullycraft blog today, I was greeted by some very saddening news. It seems that Tullycraft have decided to throw in the live show towel! Noooooooooo! Now, as much as I can understand their reasons, I'm still quite broken up about this because I've never had the opportunity to see them live. They are still going to be playing a final show at this year's San Francisco Popfest, but I simply don't have the mean$$$ to make it across the country this Summer. I guess there's always YouTube :( Fortunately they will still be recording music – had I read that they were 100% done for good I just don't know how I would have coped.

These will be Tullycraft's last two shows:
Saturday, April 4 at The Crocodile (Seattle, WA)
Tullycraft w/ "Awesome", BOAT, iji

Saturday, May 23 at The Richshaw Stop (San Francisco, CA)
Tullycraft w/ My Teenage Stride, Northern Portrait, The Magic Bullets, The Smittens


In other less-sad news, One Happy Island are touring en route to SXSW! and they're playing in Baltimore this very Friday the 13th! Scary! If you happen to live in or around Baltimore, MD like myself, you would do very well to not miss this!

The Dates!
Thursday March 12, New York City, NY - Piano's; 11pm,
Friday March 13, Baltimore, MD - El Rancho Grande, 9pm,
Saturday March 14, Indianapolis, IN - Birdy's, 9pm,
Sunday March 15, Chicago, IL - The Darkroom, 7pm,
Monday March 16, St, Louis, MO - CBGB,
Tuesday March 17, Memphis, TN - The Buccaneer,
Wednesday March 19, Houston, TX - Sound Exchange,
Thursday-Friday March 20-21, Austin, TX - SXSW*
Saturday March 21, Austin, TX - Waterloo Cycle, 3pm
(w/the Besties, Casper and the Cookies, etc.),

*They will be playing various private parties at SXSW. If you are interested in seeing them, email Brad at brad [at] onehappyislandmusic [dot] com for details.

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Blogger Manny Reyes said...

Nice Blog

11:01 AM  

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