Thursday, January 14, 2010

Two New Blanche Hudson Weekend songs!

The Rats In The Cellar EP

At this point I feel that it's pretty safe to say that my love for The Blanche Hudson Weekend grows just as deep as it did for the late, great Manhattan Love Suicides — and I love/loved the MLS. A LOT. I ordered the BHW's Letters To Daddy EP last year as soon as it was out and I'll do the same again with their upcoming Odd Box release, The Rats In The Cellar EP. The two new songs on their MySpace right now, which will hopefully be on the EP, are both brilliant — and more importantly, they further prove that the BHW, like their predecessors, have the same fantastic inability to ever write a dull song. Head over over to MySpace and listen to "Only Snow" and "Grip Of Fear" and do your eyes peeled for that new EP!

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