Wednesday Shoegaze Mélange
Mmmmmm Wednesday.
Hello hello! This post, like the others, is a quick five-song mix of random songs that I love a lot. However, today there's a theme, which unless you're blind, you should be fairly aware of already. Anyway, I don't have too much to say, except that if you've never heard some of these before, I would urge you to do so, cause you might just fall in love. It's hard not too, sometimes.
[MP3]: Slowdive :: Alison
from the Souvlaki LP [Creation Records, 1993]
[MP3]: Secret Shine :: Temporal
from the Untouched LP [Sarah Records, 1993]
[MP3]: My Bloody Valentine :: Cigarette In Your Bed
from the You Made Me Realise EP [Creation Records, 1988]
[MP3]: Eternal :: Sleep
from the Breathe 7" [Sarah Records, 1991]
[MP3]: Ride :: Like A Day Dream
from the Play EP [Creation Records, 1990]
Well! Okay! Bye! Also, I may do a part two of this sometime cause as I was picking songs, I ran across a lot more than five that I wanted to post, and I'd like to post them sometime. So yeah, awesome.
Labels: Creation Records, Eternal, My Bloody Valentine, Ride, Sarah, Secret Shine, Slowdive
Stumble It!
No Ambulance LTD?
Rocking post and blog man
I like how you say jangle
ambulance ltd aren't bad, but i'd would hardly consider them to be grouped with these bands
thank you though :)
Hi Matt,
These links seem to be broken, or is it just me?
i think the server may be down for a bit, it seems all links arent currently working. hopefullt it be back up soon :(
No worries :-)
Would you clasify them as shoegaze tho? I guess Im still trying to geta firm grasp on a clear definition of the term 'shoegaze'...maybe
Take Care
For Eternal shows the R&B trio (bleah)
This is a sweet mix, man!
That earlier comment has to be from an Ambulance Ltd. guy's girlfriend or whatever.
LOL totally agreed! (cmnt above)
Was on hype machine trying to find some Pygmalion stuff but well.... there is always time for Alison ;-)
MBV gig in 2 1/2 months... can't wait!
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