Tullycraft: "The Neutron"

I'm still waiting on a few more records that are supposed to see the light of day this year, but good luck to them, because it's gonna pretty hard to top Tullycraft's new harmony-soaked, behemoth of an indiepop record. From beginning to end, Every Scene Needs A Center is ridiculously infectious. It only takes only one listen to get any given song stuck in your head, and that's always been Tullycraft's true gift. The gift of the incredible pop hook, typically (though not always) backed with an undeniable two to five part vocal harmony, no doubt stuck in the most perfect spot imaginable. Oddly enough, it's for that very reason that Tullycraft seems to push away possible fans. For reasons I myself will never understand, some people just refuse to feel that much joy rush through their body at one time; and no song on the new record bring me more of that joy than the utterly brilliant "The Neutron." I mean, I don't even know what to say about that chorus, other than "THANK YOU!" Pop song of the year? Who knows yet. It's definitely among the best.
[MP3]: Tullycraft :: The Neutron (More recommended than most everything!)
Every Scene Needs A Center is out October 23 on Magic Marker Records and hearing it will make your life at least 79% better, guaranteed. The record release show is on October 18 at the Crocodile in Seattle, WA with the Math and Physics Club and Patience Please. If you're anywhere kind of near there, you better show up!
Tullycraft on MySpace!
Labels: Magic Marker, Tullycraft

I know it’s elitist and snobbish to go to extreme lengths to listen to music that no body else knows, but I’m really surprised that more people don’t do it. I suppose for many people music is a group bonding thing, being part of a collective and singing along to Modest Mouse, but for many of my favorite gigs I have been in audiences of less than 20 people. Tullycraft is one of those bands that it takes a bit of an effort to find, but when you do the payoff is wonderful.
Damn you Tullycraft! Because of your music I’m left in a sunny and happy mood. Now, like never before I seem to be drawn to music that’s fun. Take this tune 'Nuetron' for instance, I find no flaws and it’s addictively good. So why in the world do I find it so hard to admit I love the twee?
Tullycraft should teach a class. Bands like The Besties and Pants Yell! have little to no chance of being remembered the same way that Tullycraft will be and yet they all pretty much play pop music. Somehow Tullycraft has made their brand of pop seem brilliant and forward thinking. How is this? And how have they been able to do it over and over again? Are they just smarter than all of these other bands? Maybe? They’ve made it work for a good while now. What is their secret?
terrific song matt!
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