Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Alligators: "I'm Dungeons You're Dragons"

The Alligators!

I haven't done any MySpace browsing in a while, but it proved to be wildly successful today – as usual – when I came upon The Alligators! The come from Provo, Utah and make super dancey and super catchy pop songs with awesome shouty full-band vocal harmonies. The first song I listened to, "I'm Dungeons You're Dragons," has been pretty much locked in my head since the first second I heard it. The sythn and the guitars work together so well, winding in and out of each other all the way through the song. The ridiculously catchy chorus ain't too bad either...

[MP3]: The Alligators :: I'm Dungeons You're Dragons (Super Suggested!)

Listen to more on their MySpace!


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