
Now I don't remember exactly where I obtained this information, but according to carefully collected statistics the band member to totally rad facial hair ratio has a lot more to do with how good a band will be than you might think. Now, not only was that a really long sentence, but all of the members of Ladyhawk have totally rad facial hair, so techinically they should be awesome right?
I could be completely off here, but don't these vocals sound quite a bit like Wolf Parade, or well more specifically Spencer Krug. Feel free to yell at me and say, "No Matt! That's dumb, it's sounds nothing at all like Spencer Krug!" But you know it does, deep down inside, you don't want to think it, but it's there."Ladyhawk's core is bracing rock. Neil Young's Tonight's The Night is the hailstorm on the hood of The Replacements Let It Be, while distorted guitars invoke the thread and swerve of Silkworm and Dinosaur Jr." - Jagjaguwar
KEY FACTS: Spencer Krug-y vocals, really catchy chorus, shiny guitar distortion, totally rad facial hair. If these all interest you, then I highly recommend you download the song below at once.
[MP3]: Ladyhawk :: The Dugout
Ladyhawk will release their self-titled debut full length on Jagjaguwar March 6th. The cover art has a faceless woman with no shirt on in the woods. Boobies abound.

Great song. I'm gonna have to check this release out. Also, the AIH song you posted below is also a keeper.
Spencer Krug and Duffy Driediger once lived together in Vancouver. They are also both from the fertile fruit bearing Okanagan valley.
that's true
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