Why'd You Have To Die Without Saying Goodbye?

Toothfairy, who most of you already know from his popularity in the "blogosphere" a month or two ago over his Formative EP, also got involved with Portland's PDX POP NOW! last year for their PDX POP NOW! 2005 compilation album. Toothfairy, along with The Decemberists, Sleater Kinney, Viva Voce and many many more Portland musicians contributed tracks for the two disc compilation. Many of the tracks were previously unreleased, including this one by Toothfairy.
[MP3]: Toothfairy :: Why'd You Have To Die?
This song is mostly about the lyrics, as the instrumentation, albeit electronic, is fairly sparse. But the melody does follow the lyrics well, creating a tense atmosphere around Chad Crouch's lyrics, which sound much more bitter than what he had to say on Formative. Although, if someone I knew died without saying goodbye, I would'nt exactly be in a chipper mood either.
Im a little late getting to this but Matt's got a new Page France track, and it's fantasnificent.
Sorry for the dry spell the past couple days, but as crazy as it sounds, I do have a life outside of this lovely blog and I was well, living it.

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