Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ratatat: "Gettysburg"

I know I said regular posting would resume yesterday but I am a liar. Though, not technically because I did plan on posting until I found out that I was going to Indiepopalooza, which I did not know about until I was about halfway through my workday. I got some great video and photos though and I have a nice recap planned for later today. I'll say this though: I have never had more fun at a show before(and I've never danced so much either!).

Anyway, an album I was able to aquint myself with over my relaxing mini-vacation in South Carolina was Classics, the new album from the duo Ratatat. Lots of people have been telling me to check these guys for abotu a year now and I'm really glad this album fell into my hands because I may have still not checked them out by now if it hadn't. I'm a huge fan of instrumental music already so there was no "getting used to it" for me. I was a fan after the first 30 seconds. Classics is out August 22nd on XL Recordings and has a golden wildcat on the front. Woo!

[MP3]: Ratatat :: Gettysburg
I CANNOT stop listening to this song right now. I may eventually get tired of it, but I hope that's not for a while. A good ten seconds or so of drum machine and then comes the guitar. The fast strummed guitar that you'll eventually question as to why it's so damn catchy. This song is like a fast car ride at night, down a road you've never been on before, taking quick turns you've never taken before, all the while heading to a destination that could come up any minute. I mean, I guess.

I noticed a similarity between "Gettysburg" and this song by the band El Ten Eleven so I made a playlist of just the two songs and put it on loop and it was awesome. Should you feel so inclinded...
[MP3]: El Ten Eleven :: My Only Swerving

Ratatat on MySpace
El Ten Eleven on MySpace
StumbleUpon Toolbar Stumble It!


Blogger Rick said...

tried the loop thing and it's greatness. thanks for that song.

the whole album is sweet. i knew it was going to be amazing as soon as i heard the growl in wildcat.

2:58 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

yeah that puma/lion/tiger sample is a complete stroke of genious.

7:39 AM  

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