Heavenly: Escort Crash On Marston Street

Heavenly as a four-piece in 1991
It's no doubt that any big twee fans reading this are already deeply smitten with Heavenly, and probably have been for some time, but to anyone new to Heavenly, prepare to fall in love. After the break-up of the super-great Talulah Gosh in 1988, Amelia, Matthew and Peter re-formed in the summer of 1989 as Heavenly. Then the line-up was finally completed with the addition of the original Talulah Gosh bassist Robert. While retaining the fun and, at times, some of the tweeness of the previous outfit, Heavenly displayed a tighter, mature sound, particularly in Amelia's love-song lyrics and Pete's guitar playing. Check out "Escort Crash On Marston Street," and then try and tell me that you dont love it.
[MP3]: Heavenly :: Escort Crash On Marston Street (1991 Peel Session)
This track originally appeared as the b-side of She Says, a 7" released by K Records in 1992 as part of their "Int. Pop Underground" 7" series. The song is actually a reworking of the track "Wish Me Gone," which appeared on the band's first album, Heavenly Vs. Satan. Amelia's lyrics here are particularly cold and grim, but they somehow come out of her mouth just as cute any other love song she's ever written: "Hey now, Robert, you happy wit your smashed up car / And your broken neck bone, and your facial wounds? / You've murdered Amelia. Pete can no longer play guitar / And Mathew's brain is damaged." There's just something special about singing and dancing to a song about a fatal car crash.
Find out more about Heavenly, here.
you can buy pretty much all of their records from K Records' distro.

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Matt, don't the lyrics of this song remind you of one of our Smith's uppity song about car crashes? I'm actually pretty sure I wrote an englihsh paper about that song as a poem! Isn't if funny how fun fatality songs can really be?
yeah! it's "there is a light that never goes out." i didnt even think of that until you said it, but theyre actually quite similar
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