Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Surefire Broadcast

(L to R:) Rodney, Dan, and Lisa of New Jersey's Surefire Broadcast.

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned Surefire Broadcast here before, but I think it was probably pretty brief. Well I've been listening to them a lot recently so I thought it might be a good idea to mention them again, and a little less briefly this time.

Surefire Broadcast play mostly noisy indiepop, in the vein of, well, all of my favorite bands. Had they been a little bit older back around the early nineties then it wouldn't be hard to imagine them on good ole Slumberland Records right alongside bands like Henry's Dress, The Swirlies, and The Aislers Set. When I saw them in Philly earlier this year they even played a Henry's Dress cover (though I can't remember which song it was now... perhaps if someone from the band sees this they could remind me), which was pretty awesome. Basically though, they're just really really good and there's just not enough bands out there still making this kind of pop. OH, and another interesting thing to note is that Rodney and Lisa happen to play two of the sexiest Rickenbacker's ever (see photo above), which just makes them even cooler in my book. They've released one exceptionally good five song EP titled Live From The A.M., which is actually sold out, but here's two of my favorite songs from the EP for your listening pleasure. If you like them go to their MySpace and be their friend and tell them how much you like them!

[MP3]: Surefire Broadcast :: Hey Baby! (Highly Recommended!)
[MP3]: Surefire Broadcast :: Through A Red Door (Highly Recommended!)

Surefire Broadcast on MySpace

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Blogger Miguel Fernández said...

i haven't heard before
and i like it so much
so thanks

5:33 AM  
Blogger Matt said...


10:07 AM  

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