Wednesday, March 25, 2009


How sad is this? Lost Music has come to an end.

Sometimes, life is about knowing when to stop.

Over the past month or so I’ve had to question my love for doing Lostmusic. A few times I’ve found myself not enjoying it as much as I used to. These doubts made me decide that it was better to end Lostmusic rather than let it linger. The easy option would be to continue and let it become something I do, rather than something I love. It was when I realised this that I decided to email Tom saying that I wanted to call a halt to Lostmusic.

I have invested a lot of love, time and effort over the past 4 and 1/2 years in Lostmusic, be it the blog, the shows and records we have released. I always said I was doing this because it was fun. And it has been so many kinds of fun. And I think it’s best to end while it still is fun. Looking back it’s been an incredible thing to have been involved with and I’ve got to meet so many wonderful people and see some very special performances during the years we’ve been putting on shows. I’ve got many great memories, far too many to mention and single out in this little messages. But the way Lostmusic grew from a humble webzine, to a regular night with top bands fills with me pride. That pride also burns fiercely within me when I think of the 4 7″ singles and 3 CDr releases we have released over the past 18 months (all but one are still available to buy - from our shop! - I guess it never hurts to plug your records!) - so I’d like to thank the bands we’ve released for making the great music that fires me up: so thanks Manhattan Love Suicides, The Fischers, Pete Green, Moscow Olympics, The Morning Paper, Knight School, The Candy Twins and The Wendy Darlings.

Tom and I merged Indie-mp3 and Lostmusic blogs as we were covering the same ground. Now that Lostmusic is coming to it’s end - Indie-mp3 will be returning with Tom at the helm - I may well pop over and post about some indiepop bands or other in the future.

Our official last day comes in July when we host The Smittens, One Happy Island, The Melting Ice Caps and Standard Fare for our final hurrah just a few days before Indietracks. I think that is a fitting way to go out – with 4 cracking bands and the excitement of Indietracks being only days away. We still have a few more shows between now and then and we aim to make these the best shows we’ve ever put on.

A few more thank you’s at the end - it’s been a pleasure to work with Savo and Tom on Lostmusic over the past 2 years – for it was Savo and I that started putting on shows and Tom joined shortly afterwards. I’d also like to thank anyone that read the blog, came to a show or bought one of our records.


I'm going to miss Lost Music a lot. I was ever able to ever actually attend any of the shows they put on, nor have I ever even met Trev or Tom, but they released some fantastic records and I just really admired what they did with Lost Music. Congratulations on everything you did with it, guys, you should be very proud. Now, as sad as I am to see Lost Music go, it will be nice to see Indie-MP3 up and running again. The show must always go on!

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Blogger devi said...

hi there... i have never heard about you.. but still went through your blog.. as music is one of my is nice know more about you... you have achieved a lot.. it would be wonderful if you get back together... at least by then i would be able to get to hear your music.. what ever happens.. the show must go on dear.. all the very best

1:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah... It is really pity... on we have often discussed it.

2:30 PM  
Blogger ATLAS said...

I like all. Thank you for your time.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Mahmood Syedfaheem said...

Hi! Congratulations for your blog being selected as the blog of note. Wish you all the best. Men may come and men may go but the music will go on for ever.

11:16 PM  
Blogger v said...

Congrats on being blog of note.

11:31 PM  
Blogger PayPal Hacker said...

Go to and login your google mail, your blog is limit

12:53 AM  
Blogger nosle todd said...

If music is food for love play on... todd

3:03 AM  
Blogger The villager: said...

Let's hope that independent music will always thrive, as an antidote to all the bland stuff coming from major record companies.

5:31 AM  
Blogger Reyjr said...

is it just me or is your banner a bit skewed? maybe it's my eyes...


6:27 AM  
Blogger Sean LeClair said...

Speaking of music check out Kutiman at my blog:

7:05 AM  
Blogger MdC said...

i ove indie music but the betteris canadian rock!!!

8:01 AM  
Blogger GamePegasister91 said...

It's sad that sometimes you have to let go of something you hold dear. But there is a saying, "If you love something, set it free; if it comes back, it's meant to be; but if it doesn't, it wasn't yours" Hopefully, the passion to make that music will come back. :)

10:36 AM  
Blogger 5windsOfvenus said...

I am only just hearing of your music for the first time, having discovered your blog by accident... I can say, listen to your intuition and your inner muse! Do what feels right.... I am an artist for a living and I can say from my own experiences is that maybe you just need a break for a few years, go back to it later with fresh ideas and new experiences? I have done that over my career with a few things; I find I go through my various expressions in phases/cycles....

anyways, good luck with where ever your life leads you, I wish you blissfull adventures where ever you go....

2:22 PM  
Blogger DJ Tanner said...

Is LostMusic the same as Def Karaoke Jam?

5:40 PM  

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