The Lovely Feathers - "Photo Corners"

I know it seems a bit early to be making a call like this, but Hind Hind Legs, the new album by Canada's The Lovely Feathers is definitely going to be in my top 5 of this year, it just HAS to be. There's enough energy and fun in this album to last me the rest of the year for sure. Hind Hind Legs culls from the ridiculous lyrics, wild antics and instrumentation of bands like The Unicorns and Man Man, but takes it in and comes out with something completely brand new. This is going to be 2006's quirk pop masterpiece. I just cannot stop listening to this album, spinning around the room with arms open, happy to be alive!
[MP3]: The Lovely Feathers :: Photo Corners (So Very Highly Rec'd!)
This song starts out with a soft simple acoustic strum and then drums and a shiny keyboard line come in and the strum gets louder and picks up, drops outs for second, starts up again and then the band takes off with everyone singing "We'd laugh if we were younger!" There's ooh's and ah's, there's recorder, there's chimes, what more could you ask for?
Matt's giving away a copy the new Pants Yell! album that may or may not be signed by the band! Hah. All you have to do is make the band laugh! Go here and find out more!
Sorry for the lack of post the past couple days, you know how midterms go...

wow, this is a great track. Thanks
It's funny because I've been anticipating this album since I was first told it existed back in September and I went nuts over the new songs but those are really the only ones I've found myself listening to over and over. I almost want to say that I like some of the older versions better.
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