Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cudgels: "Joybang!"

Released in 1991, "Joybang!" was Sunday Records 008

10:42:13 PM nomattnobeepbeep: so im trying to do a write-up for this single i want to post
10:42:22 PM nomattnobeepbeep: and like, I LOVE THE SONGS
10:42:27 PM nomattnobeepbeep: but i have no idea what to say
10:42:37 PM nomattnobeepbeep: this happens sometimes and its really frustrating
10:42:45 PM nomattnobeepbeep: cause then i have no idea why i like things
10:42:51 PM jelloid: so just post them
10:43:01 PM jelloid: why does everything have to have WORDS
10:43:08 PM nomattnobeepbeep: i dont know, i like words
10:43:12 PM nomattnobeepbeep: im just not good at them
10:43:13 PM nomattnobeepbeep: lol
10:43:14 PM jelloid: fuck words
10:43:25 PM nomattnobeepbeep: srsly

Yeah, so, I absolutely love the Cudgels and I love this 7" and I've wanted to post it for a while, because I think a lot of other people who have never heard it might love it, too. You can find more info about the Cudgels on their MySpace page. "Joybang!" also appeared on the full-length God's Children, released in 1992 on Waaaaaah! Go Cudgels!!!

Joybang! 7"

[Sunday Records, 1991]
DOWNLOAD IT (.ZIP File, 14mb)

1. Joybang!
2. Hear My Please

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Lacrosse: "You Can't Say No Forever"

Yay! I was browsing around YouTube today, as I often will do, and I stumbled upon this video for Lacrosse's "You Can't Say No Forever." I had no idea they had made a video for this song, and apparently no one else did either, cause it's only got 30 views! "You Can't Say No Forever" is probably my favorite track off of their album This New Year Will Be For You And Me, which also happens to be one of my very favorite records of the year! WATCH! :D

EDIT: I've now watched this at least ten times
and I think it may be the best video ever.

This New Year Will Be For You And Me is out on Tapete Records
Lacrosse on MySpace!

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Firsts" A Digital Cloud Compilation

Digital Cloud's excellent "Firsts" compilation!

I first heard about Digital Cloud Records a little while back through Megamoog – it is Megan's label, afterall – but I handn't heard anything more about the label until a few weeks ago when they proudly announced their "Firsts" compilation. The idea of the compilation was to get a bunch of great bands to submit songs about firsts, whatever the situation may be. The compilation features 17 exclusive songs from Lady Genius, The Fits, Lamb, teamAWESOME!, The Who Cares, captainmarmalade, So Futuristic, Little Naps, Land of Ill Earthquakes, Beep Kitty, From Major to Minor, Snowblink, Messes, Kukka, Beatbeat Whisper, Megamoog, and The Tomatometers.

[MP3]: Beatbeat Whisper :: And Suddenly Apart Was Shared (Highly Rec'd!!!)

I've been in love with this comp from beginning to end since it arrived on my doorstep swaddled in yellow tissue paper! If I had to pick some favorites I'd have to go with Land of Ill Earthquakes, Beep Kitty, Beatbeat Whisper (which I've posted above), and of course, Megamoog! The artwork is really nice upclose, too. "Firsts" is definitely something you'll want to have and hold. Visit Digital Cloud on MySpace for ordering details!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Keith John Adams "Unclever" PREORDER!

Keith John Adams' new record Unclever is finally available for preorder today on Happy Happy Birthday To Me Records – but it's not just any old preorder! Keith came up with the quite possibly insane idea to write a song for each of the first 40 people to preorder the new record!!!

Here's what Happy Happy Birthday To Me says...
"Keith is going to write a song for each of the first 40 people to preorder his new album "Unclever" which will be released on Jan 29th, 2008. When you preorder the CD just include your full name, and an email address which will be good for sending a yousendit or sendspace file to, and a funny story which keith can turn into a song. You will have the song emailed to you when it is ready, and you will be mailed a copy of the CD, a button, and a CDR containing all 40 songs. The preorder is $25.00 in the USA and Canada, and $30.00 for the rest of the world."

This is truly crazy, but truly awesome at the same time, so hurry over HERE to preorder Unclever ASAP for a chance to have your own song! I've just recently had a chance to hear Unclever and Keith's new songs as as excellent as anyone could have hoped. It's out January 28th, so if you dont preorder now, make sure you grab it then! Here's one of my favorite tracks from the new record; the closer, infact!

[MP3]: The Keith John Adams :: Nothing

Keith John Adams on MySpace!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Favourite Wet Wednesday Afternoon

Hello all, I'm back home in Annapolis for the holiday, so here's a tiny little post until I get back to my other home on Monday. The Siddeley's are one of my favorite bands ever, and they also recorded the number one best song about Wednesday, ever. I'm going to go ahead and include the lyrics to, because I've always found it to be a pretty good sing-along. I know it's No-Music-Day and all, but the thought of it just leaves me speachless, so I have chosen to ignore it. You should, too.

[MP3]: The Siddeleys :: My Favorite Wet Wednesday Afternoon

The sight of the façade of the Palace Hotel, Southend
With every sense I think of you - it sends me round the bend
"Love that moves the sun in heaven, and all the stars…"
This is just a fraction of what is rightfully ours

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For darkness after dawn…

It's not that I want to be rich, I just want to be heroically poor
Money may buy happiness, but you can give me more
I want back my favourite wet Wednesday afternoon
I'll take my dreams to the grave with me
If you don't say something soon…

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For a boy to burn

The Peak Frean's factory pumping smoke reminds me of the past
Of waking up quite terrified, of always coming last
Are you, like me, looking up at the sky?
Or do you look down as you read?
"The red apples are the sweetest," he said, but green is the colour for me…

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For rotting fruit to fall…

The smell of chips on a summer evening in Southend -
With every sense I think of you, it sends me round the bend
"Love that moves the sun in heaven, and all the stars…"
This is just a fraction of what is rightfully ours

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For a boy to burn…


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Monday, November 19, 2007

Sarandon: Joe's Record

I've had Sarandon's new 7" single on the record player for more than a few weeks now, but I consistently forgotten to mention it here. Better late than never, I say. Joe's Record is three excellent tracks of erratic, jangling post-punk no doubt inspired by roughly half of that one tape some magazine released back in 1986. Not surprising though, as the band's fronted by xQPwRtz's Crayola and now they've even got Alan Brown of bIG fLAME playing bass. The Joe's Record 7" is out now on Slumberland Records. It's on bright pink vinyl and limited to just 600 copies, just in case you needed another reason as to why you should own it immediately. Here's another reason:

[MP3]: Sarandon :: The Linguist (Highly Rec'd!)

Sarandon on MySpace

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Friday, November 16, 2007

The Manhattan Love Suicides: "Last Stand"

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it – The Manhattan Love Suicides are my number one favorite band of the year. Everything this band does is flawless, and they are just really, really COOL, in every single aspect of the word. Their string of flawlessness continues on November 21st when they release their Sycamore Peripheral single on Roque's indiepop powerhouse, Cloudberry Records. "Sycamore Peripheral" will be back by two other tracks – "Last Stand" and "Autumn Fades In." I think we all know what you need to do come November 21st, so make sure you do it!!! For now, check out "Last Stand." The jury is still out on whether or not it could beat out "Head Over Heels" as the best MLS song of the year, but it's definitely possible – I can't wait to hear the rest of the single!

[MP3]: The Manhattan Love Suicides :: Last Stand (Enormously Recommended!!!*)

Manhattan Love Suicides on MySpace
Cloudberry Records dot com

*In fact, if you download one song on the front page, make it this one.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Video: Holy Hail: "Cool Town Rock"

This is a really good song, I think. And you can dance to it, I think. And that girl singing – she is really cute, I think. So umm, watch it!

Holy Hail on MySpace
God bless recommendations from Niall!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Video: The Owls: "The Way On"

I posted the first single, "Peppermint Patty" from The Owls' new record Daughters and Suns a few weeks – or more than a few weeks – ago, and since then the whole record's been really growing on me. The band's just finished up a video for one of my favorite songs on Daughters and Suns, "The Way On." You can grab the record from Magic Marker Records RIGHT NOW!

Again, if you missed it before, here's the excellent "Peppermint Patty":
[MP3]: The Owls :: Peppermint Patty (Highly Recommended!)

P.S. Buy the new Tullycraft while you're at it!

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Lil' Pains Yell!

Photo by Courtney.

SO bummed that I missed the New England Popfest this year. SO BUMMED.


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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lykke Li: "Little Bit"

This isn't really in-sync with what I typically post here, but good god, this cute little song has been stuck in my head since the moment I saw it

Thanks to my good buddy, Spooky, for the this!

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By The Window In The Sky

Photo in cover art by QXZ on Flickr.

I said I was gonna start doing mixes more often, so here we go, another one. I'm particularly proud of this one because I think it flows quite well, and as the cover says, it's very good for a nice walk in the cold morning air. Note that the effect of this mix can be enhanced even more so if it happens to still be dark outside and there is a touch of low-lying fog. If the title of the mix doesn't ring a bell to you immediately, then it surely will by the time you finish it. Um, I guess I don't have anything else to say, I'll let the songs speak for themselves. Enjoy, please!

[ZIP]: By The Window In The Sky (13 tracks, 110mb)

01. Eric's Trip :: Stove
02. The Relict :: Letters
03. St. Christopher :: Crystal Clear
04. Brian :: You Don't Want A Boyfriend
05. California Snow Story :: My Life Is Only A Daydream
06. Nord Express :: This Magic Moment
07. The Cat's Miaow :: Hollow Inside
08. Rodney Allen :: Julianne
09. The Fat Tulips :: My Secret Place
10. Moscow Olympics :: Safe
11. Lorelei :: The Bitter Air
12. Stereolab :: Pack Yr Romantic Mind
13. Yo La Tengo :: Deeper Into Movies

Okay, enjoy please, I love you. Bye for now.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Zoey Van Goey: "Foxtrot Vandals"

Zoey Van Goey

Zoey Van Goey are a fanastic pop band from Glasgow, Scotland. A great pop band from Glasgow? No way, that just doesn't make sense! Hah. Anyway, they've just released their debut single "Foxtrot Vandals" on Say Dirty Records and it's been on repeat for hours. Those hours will soon turn to days, I imagine, because I don't see myself wanting to turn this off anytime soon. You can grab the 7" from Rough Trade HERE or you can be a boring billy a grab the digital version HERE. Have a listen and the grab the record!!! P.S. Stuart Murdoch produced the single, if that sort of thing matters to you.

[MP3]: Zoey Van Goey :: Foxtrot Vandals (Highly Recommended!!!!)

Zoey Van Goey on MySpace


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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sleepyhead: "Different Colored Letters"

I'm not sure how it took me this long to hear Sleepyhead's Punk Rock City USA LP, but it's everything I wanted it to be. Anyone out there who hasn't heard it, please listen to the following song. It makes me wish I was six years and falling in love, and I've always been under the assumptiont hat that's the best thing a song can do. I'd suggest reading a long with the lyrics.

[MP3]: Sleepyhead :: Different Colored Letters (Highly Recommended!!)

I meet you here at the end of the day after school and drive you home
But I think that we'd be better off if we went somewhere alone
I still think you're beautiful and I think it all the time
I don't care what your brother said, just tell him that you're mine

And know that I'm not the coolest guy in school
And all of those other guys would be so cool
But I promise to treat you the best I know how
If you promise to kiss me on the lips right now

Maybe I'm too young for you and maybe you're too young for me
But just think when you're turning ninety-one, I'll be turning ninety-three
And maybe we'll just say these things we want, I guess they don't know what we're thinking of
And anyone that says this is boring, I guess they ain't never been in love

And you know how much I hate it when you have to go away
And how much I hate it when you get off the phone
How much I mean it when I say I was true
And I would do anything to put me near you

How could I say "yes" when I shoulda said "no"?
There's one way to get there, there's one way to go
Why couldn't we always leave it on?
Why couldn't we always...
Leave it for when the time was better?
Replace you when I had to?
Wait until I really have to go
And ask, and I would not know what to say
And for the first few weeks you'd get a different colored letter
Everyday each was my favorite
Well I just don't know 'cause they're all so great

How could I say "no" when I shoulda said "yes"?
How did something so simple get to be such a mess?
It's like something so right ever be wrong?

Put your arms around me, baby
And tell me you love me and you miss me
We'll always remember how we made it so far
We'll never forget what it feels like to have a broken heart

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Indiepop On Youtube 1

Embedded youtube vids are back!

So, right, I used to do this before, but I kind of forgot about it and stopped keeping it up. The reason I'm formally bringing it back is because it gave me the opportunity to make a new graphic for it, and never do I miss a chance to make a new graphic! There's some real good one's this week, make sure you watch them all! Also be advised that every video may not fall directly under "indiepop," but what's a genre anyway?

A Boy Named Thor :: Jersey Sure? [1999]

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart :: A Teenager In Love [2007]

Moscow Olympics :: Second Trace [2007]

The Swirlies :: Bell [1992]

Eric's Trip :: Stove [1993]


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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sportique :: The Kids Are Solid Gold 7" [Roxy Records, 1998]

I'm gonna try to get back in the habit of posting old singles more frequently, because it's fun and I like to share the songs I love with you guys and yeah! No better way to jump back into than with this single from Sportique. Sportique were an indiepop all-star team of sorts, formed back in 1997 by Gregory Webster (Razorcuts), Mark Flunder (TVPs), and Rob Pursey (Heavenly). "The Kids Are Solid Gold" was released almost ten years ago now (!) on Roxy Records. It was the band's second (and very best ever) single, their first released the year before on Where It's At Is Where You Are. The single's title track remains unmatched by any other track Sportique ever recorded, in my opinion. The b-side, "You Didn't Have To Be So Nice" is a great tune as well, but nothing beats the brilliant end of "The Kids Are Solid Gold." It should be an anthem, really, and you should listen to it immediately if you never have!

A1. [MP3]: Sportique :: The Kids Are Solid Gold
B1. [MP3]: Sportique :: You Didn't Have To Be So Nice

Hopefully you'll be seeing more singles posts in the coming weeks and months. Requests and comments, as always, are very welcome! Enjoy!

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Post 666



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Thursday, November 01, 2007

New November 1st Cloudberry Releases!

Four new singles in one day!

It feels like the last batch of Cloudberry singles came out just yesterday, and now here comes four more, out today, November 1st! Today's releases include singles from Komon, The Jealous Sea, Blind Terry, and The Pristines. As with all Cloudberry singles, you could buy all of these on a whim and be totally sure you'll end up loving them – but here's a taste of each single anyway, just to make that decision a little bit easier!

[MP3]: Komon :: A Good Start
Excellent Pipas-esque drum machine pop from Sweden!

[MP3]: The Jealous Sea :: Past The Grey
Shimmering, dreamy indiepop from Florida! Think early Sarah Records.

[MP3]: Blind Terry :: The Subtle Art of How to Break a Heart
60s-tinged pop sort of in the vein of Saturday Looks Good To Me.

[MP3]: The Pristines :: Good Things Never Come Despite The Wait
Sunday Records veterans still making some great jangly noise.

I'm not particularly good at picking favorites, but I have to say I'm extremely impressed – and in love – with that Blind Terry song. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them here in the coming weeks and months, perhaps along with some of the others! Please visit Cloudberry Records to grab one or two or all of these! I couldn't think of a better way to spend your money.

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