Monday, October 31, 2005

Lupen Crook's "Halloween"

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Lupen Crook's "Halloween" single was released today, which is fitting seeing as today is, well, Halloween. For those of you unfamilar with Lupen Crook, think a british Devandra Banhart with intricate string sections. NME has this to say about the new single, "Lupen Crook's voice alone is enough to give you the creeps. So wait 'til to hear what he's singing about -- date rape, blowing your brains out, the way human being hide their inner-darkness behind bland masks." Ha. It should said though that Lupen Crook is no novelty, he's quite a talented musician and this single is marvelous, creepy and weird as hell, but marvelous nonetheless.

Here's a clip of "Halloween" in MP3 format.
Or listen to the whole song over on Lupen Crook's Myspace.

Buy the Halloween single from Rough Trade.

Take a look at his art too, it's just as weird as the music.
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Sunday, October 30, 2005

El Boxeo

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Now, I love Petra Haden as much as the next guy and i have a lot of respect for Sophie Trudeau from GY!BE, but Lisa Norton of Livonia, Michigan's El Boxeo is queen of the metaphorical violin mountain in my book. Along with brother/bassist Zach Norton and drummer Danny Sperry, El Boxeo play some of the most unique post-rock(yes, post-rock, but hear me out, these guys are good) I have yet to hear mainly because, like fellow post-rockers Out Hud, El Boxeo manage to make their intrumental melodies incredibly dancable. This comes as no surprise though when you consider how ridiculously wide and varried the post rock genre really is. The first thing you may notice about El Boxeo is that they have no guitarist, which also sets their sound apart from many other bands as well.

Speaking of their sound, their Myspace lists influences like Fugazi, the Cure, Radiohead and Modest Mouse, however, the hardly sound like any of those bands. They are however, very... dark. But they allow a little light every now and then in the form of Lisa Norton's breathy angelic voice. However, as many of you know, playing violin and singing do not go very well together, and while she definitely doesn't fail as a vocalist, her bowing is much more valued as it makes music so much more interesting. "Devotion" is definitely my favorite out of these songs. It starts out with a bouncy rolling bassline and quick poppy drums and then the violin falls in and the song takes off, rising and falling, until it ends with a chaotic wash of cymbals and fiddle-like violin bowing. The band have several releases on one of my favorite labels, Suburban Sprawl Music, and are currently playing alot and trying to have a TON of FUN all the time, they say.

New Science
Venture to the Black Lodge
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Friday, October 28, 2005


Matt said this before when he posted on the The Light Footwork and I'm gonna say it now, just, not about The Light Footwork.

Meet your new favorite band, Statuesque. Statuesque is the voice and songs of English pop auteur Stephen Manning, composer of genius guitar hooks, mesmerizing melodies and clever funny sad angry lyrics, put together (with the help of passing drummers) in a rich tapestry of varied, highly original recordings.

To put it simply, Statuesque is the greatest UK pop band you've never heard of. Unless, you have... in which case, they are the greatest UK pop band you have heard of. They have a new record out called Choir Above, Fire below and it is clearly Stephen manning's masterpiece.

I'm really gushing about this guy, but that's because he is really that good. The Big Takeover said, "Although his band's level of commercial success may not reflect it, Stephen Manning, who leads this way-far-underground U.K. outfit, is one of the best songwriters working in the pop-rock idiom. Manning's stuff stands up alongside your favourite Smiths, Morrissey and Radiohead records, while sounding totally unique and individual."

"Choir Above Fire Below" sounds like it could've come straight from the Lucksmiths' Warmer Corners. Not only are there vocal similarities, but these bands also share a gift for perfect pop songwriting. The song should be the template for every pop song from here on out and good luck getting that chorus out of your head. Just dont sing it at work like me, you'll get weird looks.

From Choir Above, Fire Below:
Choir Above Fire Below (HIGHLY REC'D!!!)
Boys Are Lazy, Girls Are crazy(HIGH LY REC'D!!!)

Bonus WEB-ONLY tracks:
Free Berkshire
It's That Sort Of Town
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's hump day, here are songs.

I would first like to take a moment ask you is that not the best blog post title you have ever seen? I really think I outdid myself this time. Anyway, as it so clearly says, it's hump day, here are songs.

U.N.K.L.E. Lonely Soul
The Triangles Applejack
The Triangles Let's Replace the Cityscapes
Pony Up! Shut Up and Kiss Me
Neon Blonde Headlines
Sybris The Best Day in History Ever
Sybris Breathe Like You're Dancing

Check these out after you listen to Electric President. Seriously, listen to Electric President. And no, I wasnt asked to post about them either. Theyre just that good.
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Electric President

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Last night I bought the re-release of Mum's incredible album Yesterday was Dramatic -- Today is OK. Well, it was released on Morr Music out of Berlin. Morr Music was a label I had heard barely anything about so without wasting a second, I went to their website. Though I wasn't all too impressed with the most of the artists, I did find one that I really like by the name of Electric President.

Electric President is Ben Cooper and Alex Cane and they make some of the best dream pop I have heard as of late. Seamlessly weaving acoustic and electronic sounds together, they create beautiful soundscapes that manage to be dreamy and dancable all at the same time. Their debut full length is set for release on Morr Music in January. Until then, I highly recommend that you grab up these songs and listen to them ASAP.

From the forthcoming self-titled album:
Good Morning, Hypocrite
Ten Thousand Lines
Ten Thousand Lines (Alternative Mix)

P.S. Here's your daily dose of Mogwai banter.

Greetings minions. The ball is now well and truly rolling. Our album has been mastered (twice), eskimo suits have been hired and many other such arrangements made to make way for the earth shattering event that is our new album. We have already been aproached for one of the songs to be used as the national anthem of the new Iraqi state. We aren't sure if we will give them permission however as we've heard that Saddam supports Hibs and we don't want our Hibbee pals giving us grief for aiding his usurpers.

Ha. I love those guys.
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Monday, October 24, 2005

my apologies

I have been very busy as of late and therefore I have not been able to post as often as I would like. No time for a post today, Weekend Finds #2 coming tommorow.

Sorry kids.
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Friday, October 21, 2005

William Duke

Ah. I love when this happens. It all starts with a rumor i heard a while back about a repressing of Beulah's Handsome Western States(it is being repressed, by the way). So, I thought I would head over to their website to investigate, and among other things, such as repressing confirmations, i see that Bill Swan has been working with Beulah's live sound engineer, Chris Palmatier, on a EP for a band called Bye Bye Blackbirds. Having never heard of them i went to their website, and low and behold, no music to listen to. I was crushed, as you could imagine, but i found hope. In their news section I found a link to some songs from band member Willam Duke's solo project. If Bye Bye Blackbirds sound anything like this, Im going to love them as well. Nothing better than an unexpected surprise on a friday morning.

If you could, for a minute, try to imagine if the Lucksmiths stole all of the synths from the new Calla album and made a song. Well, Willam Duke beat 'em to it and he called it "A Part of Me." As for the other song, it's just as good, if not better, but I dont feel like describing it for you. Im too lazy and I have to get back to making a collage of printer equipment. Just listen to them. Oh and be a doll and let me know if you liked him or not. If you hate him, email me and Ill give my home address, I like getting hate mail.

From The Ghost that would not be
A Part of Me
Home to Nowhere

If you want the album, youre going to have email William yourself...
But look how easy I made it for you: BUY THE ALBUM
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Last Romance

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The Last Romance, the sixth album by Scottish duo Arab Strap, was released yesterday and continues their streak of incredible beer soaked, highly depressing, yet highly listenable and even dancable albums. Although, since leaving Matador after the release of Monday at the Hug and Pint it seems Aiden Moffat and Malcolm Middleton have decided to let a little sun in. Not to say the new album isnt depressing, it is, Arab strap wouldnt be Arab Strap if it wasnt... but, there is a glimpse of optimism and maturity and it seems like theyve decided to take themselves more seriosuly than ever before. Plus, if you cant find a song to dance to on this album, you're clearly not trying. You've just gotta love a band who can write lyrics this genious and miserable to melodies that will get anyone out on the dancefloor.

Unfortunately, they havent put any of the new songs online, I've spent all day searching, and I'm not posting any save-file type stuff, it's not worth it. So my solution is this: I'll post up a bunch of old Arab Strap songs in hopes that theyre enough to convince you that you need to own this new album.

From Monday at the Hug and Pint:

Who Named the Days?
The Shy Retirer

From The Red Thread:

Love Detective

*Listen to the lyrics carefully, Aiden Moffat is very gifted.
If you like them enough, buy The Last Romance (as well as all of their other releases) right here.
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I would first like to thank Alex, the most wonderful person in the world, for telling me about these guys(and girl), and if it weren't for my lack of motivation to listen to them, you would have heard about them much sooner. They're really great though, I swear. Psapp is Carim Classman and Galia Durant, a boy and a girl from London who both happen to be obsessed with wierd noises and beautiful pop melodies. This obsession results in a sound that "slips between genres like an excited snake in a margarine tub." Exciting huh?

If i had to describe what I've heard so far, I would say it's Four Tet with pretty female vocals. Or maybe its a much quirkier Postal Service, except Gibbard got the boot and a girl took over. So, I said they sound a little like The Postal Service so now you have no choice but to listen to them. Unless you've already heard of them, in which case, I'm wasting your time. Either way, their newest album, Tiger, My Friend is eleven tracks of glitchy dream pop goodness and you can buy it right here.

From Tiger, My Friend
Leaving In Coffins

Visit their Myspace to listen to more songs. If you only listen to one song, I highly recommend listening to "Curuncula".

p.s. I may be a little late on these guys, but if you havent heard them yet, do it.
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Monday, October 17, 2005

Ask and you shall recieve

These are some of the better pictures that i took at the Sigur Ros show at the Strathmore in Bethesda, MD back in September. Some of them are bad, due to the fact that i dont have a decent camera and it was really dark. Okay, well here they are...

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They have a lot of stuff.

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Amina opened, they were quite good.

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Sigur Ros is beautiful.

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The Strathmore Center is really huge and fancy.

So those arent the greatest pictures ever, but the seating didn't exactly allow for great close-ups. But Sigur Ros is very nice to see sitting down in comfy chairs. Very nice.
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The Arrogants

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Chris beat me to these guys, but just incase you only visit my blog and not his(which is HIGHLY unlikely) here they are, dont miss out on them. The Arrogants make wonderfully dreamy pop that's really great for a Monday morning, or any morning, or any day for that matter. Thats why i love it. Plus, Jana Heller's vocals are beautiful and particularly on "Dont Die Before Your Day" they sound dreadfully desperate.

Their brand new album, You've Always known When Best to Say Goodbye, was released today and can be purchased @ Twee Kitten. The new album boasts an incedible 23 tracks! and comes with a DVD chock full of exras! and it's only $7.50! Good Luck finding a better deal than that, especially for music this good.

From the new album:
Dont Die Before Your Day (Very Highly Rec'd!)
Antony and Cleopatra
Cool Shoes

Be their friend on Myspace
Visit Gorilla vs. Bear for a couple more great tracks.

*UPDATE* The release date has been pushed back a couple days due to shipping issues...
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Colin talks on DeadAirSpace

Radiohead are doing things again. They claim to be recording one song a day, one of Johnny's songs is apparently amazing and there's even talk of touring! Yes, fellas, it is truly good to have a plan.


back tomorrow, after a full on week of recording a song a day, some not even on the of jonny's tunes, packing a lot in 2 mins 45 seconds! Spent weekend agreeing with Nick Cohen, hoping Simon Starling would win the Turner, listening to new modeselektor album, and waiting to get the boards of canada and pharrell williams tomorrow. Exciting talk of shows next year; it's good to have a plot. Another week ahead in the studio, then more in December. I'll keep you posted this week with more news and wonky shots, so wish us luck!


In other Radiohead news...

This just miiiiight be Stanley Donwood's very own blog. Green Plastic seems to thinks so. I agree, it does sound very much like Donwood's writing style.
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Oh Snap! New CYHSY Tunes

You Aint No Picasso has FOUR new Clap Your Hands Say Yeah songs! Honestly, I dont know how Matt does it, he made like, 10 posts this weekend, he's like a machine. Anyway, "Satan Said Dance" and "Graceful Retreat" are my two favorites and you should probably go get em quick, the might not be up long...
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Weekend Finds #1

I present to you, 7 songs i discovered over the weekend. I like them a lot, maybe you will too.

1. El Boxeo "Devotion" (Highly Rec'd)
2. Pash "Exploding" (Highly rec'd)
3. Dave Lawson "Songwriters in Love"
4. Devotchka "Such a Lovely Thing"
5. The New Year "Chinese Handcuffs"
6. Javelins "Square Hips" (Highly Rec'd)
7. The Pop Project "House of Books"

Most of those songs came from Suburban Sprawl Music, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite labels.

Here's a picture I took of Mr. Colin Meloy back in May at the 9:30 club.

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p.s. I also have a bunch of Sigur Ros pictures as well from last month. Ill post them if anyone's interested, so let me know.
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You will listen to post-rock and you'll like it!

I love post-rock... pretty much more than any kind of music. It was only a matter of time before i made a post completely devoted to it. I would like to say in advance to any readers who love post-rock as much as i do, that this may basically be an insult to you. This isnt for you, it's for the uninitiated. So, here are some of my favorite(and most accesible) "post-rock" bands and some songs by them. Enjoy!


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Mogwai is Stuart Braithwaite (guitar), Dominic Aitchison (bass), John Cummings (guitar) and Martin Bulloch (drums)... four Glaswegians who watch soccer and play glowering, volatile instrumental rock, with a slowly unravelling dynamic diametrically opposed to the mainstream. They're live shows are regarded as the loudest you will ever hear and they even recommend earplugs.

Mogwai Summer
Mogwai 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong


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In their words... "we play instrumental music without a singer but no singer/no lyrics does not equal nothing to say - we're not interested in plinking away on maudlin, passive, pretty little melodies that are largely hollow with nothing to support it - so we try to provide folks with triggers - create some sort of context - and that comes in the form of written tracts included in godspeed records, film projections that we put together for live shows as well as the found sound shit that gets weaved into the overall godspeed narratives and ends up as part of a godspeed recording."

Godspeed You Black Emperor! Dead Methany (live)


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Explosions In The Sky are some of the most sincere folks you will ever meet. Aside from being nice guys, they play some of the most passionate, powerful instrumental music you will ever hear. Equal parts romance and tragedy, their beautiful melodies have the tendency to ignite into head-spinning walls of noise. Easily one of the most intense live bands ever, their sound proves to be every bit as triumphant as their name implies.

Explosions in the Sky The Only Moment We Were Alone
Explosions in the Sky Memorial (live)


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Tokyo, Japan's Mono have quickly become one of the most passionately aggressive rock bands of the last decade, with their soaring crescendos, titanic sheets of distortion and dark melodies executed with the delicacy and precision of a paper crane. What's that? You dont want to hear japanese singing do you? But wait, this is "post-rock" remember... there not singing, so dont worry.

Mono Halcyon(Beautiful Days)

Now, I'm not saying you have to listen to all of that... you may have not even read it all. But, really, do yourself a favor and listen to something different, maybe you'll really like it. If I find most of my readers hate post-rock, I'll limit my posts involving them, as to spare you, and well, keep you reading.
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Saturday, October 15, 2005

New Okkervil River Song!

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Jagjagwar just put up a brand new song from Okkervil River's Black Sheep Boy Appendix for your downloading pleasure. The new song, "No Key, No Plan", is fast rumbling number, led basically by a simple rolling bassline, and of course, singer Will Sheff's hopelessly distraught vocals. The song didn't really do much for me until I listened to it several times, and Sheff's whaling vocal climax at the end of the song finally got to me. Now I'm in love.

Here's the tracklist for Black Sheep Boy Appendix:
1. Missing Children
2. No Key, No Plan
3. A Garden
4. Black Sheep Boy #4
5. Another Radio Song
6. A Forest
7. Last Love Song for Now

And if any of you are as confused about this release as I was, Jagjaguwar has this to say. "Okkervil River's Black Sheep Boy Appendix is not just a companion piece to their critically-acclaimed 2005 release; it's also a condensed, alternate vision of that record's imagery and themes, with the ultimate intent to exhaust and destroy both. This ambitious mini-album rounds up and reworks the band's favorite unfinished songs (tracked for the Black Sheep Boy full-length) and then punctuates and bookends them in brand-new compositions; in the process, it shows songwriter Will Sheff and company both revisiting themes from their past and shooting off in some startling new directions."

Black Sheep Boy Appendix is slated for release on November 22nd and you all better go buy it. And if you haven't listened Black Sheep Boy yet, shame on you, go buy it.

The NEW Song:
No Key, No Plan
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Friday, October 14, 2005

"Eat This City" Video, Robert Pollard on Merge

New Thunderbirds Are Now! video for "Eat This City" off of 2005's Justamustache. If you haven't even listened to Thunderbirds Are Now! yet, I highly suggest you do. Oh yeah, and the video is pretty good.

The Linkiepoo:
Thunderbirds Are Now! - "Eat This City" (VIDEO)

And for those of you who like your music without moving images...
Thunderbirds Are Now! - "Eat This City" (NOT THE VIDEO)

In other completely unrelated news!
Robert Pollard is all up on Merge Records now. How exciting! Read more about somewhere else. Like, here, for instance. Im gonna take some of my street cred away and say I was never really much into Guided By Voices, but for those of you that were/are, I'm sure this is great news.
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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin

So what does it take to make a great pop song? Apparently, it isn't as simple as it seems, and it times like these when we all hope to wake up in the morning to hear The Olivia Tremor Control are hard at work recording or maybe Beulah's back together with a new album and a tour to follow(oh my god!). Wishful thinking of course, but until that day comes we've gotta be thankful for a band like Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. They just released their debut album, Broom, and its nothing short of lo-fi pop greatness.

Now i can't go and take all the credit for these guys, Cokemachineglow found them first. But I felt it my duty to pass along the love to you guys.

CMG had this to say:
"There is no reinvention of wheels on Broom, but that’s really not the point, anyways. SSLYBY make good pop songs. May not seem like a whole lot, but, judging by how few really great pop tunes we’ve seen this year, a lot harder than it seems. Having ten in one bundle shouldn’t be taken lightly."

From Broom:
Pangea (Highly Rec'd!!!)
I am Warm + Powerful (Highly Rec'd!!!)

From Two People... Probably Thinking About Me EP
Let's get Tired!

Buy Broom from Geneq records
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Im not sure how many people have heard of Decomposure or his new album, At Home and Unaffected. While it was released June 7th, it's brand new to me and maybe it's new to you too.

Typically I'd write my own description of what I post, but this was too creative and perfect to use my own words instead. From Unschooled Records:

"To get a sense of what 'At Home and Unaffected' is, it might be helpful to picture an onion. An onion is a unique structural form: while at first encased in a brittle, desiccated husk, when peeled it uncovers an almost alien anatomy, a cleanly contained object ordered with skeletal precision... Like the onion, Decomposure's sophomore LP, 'At Home and Unaffected' shares the same meticulous layering and structure. Gathering and sorting sound recorded almost entirely from his apartment, this 22-year old Canadian musician has carefully assembled an indefinable hybrid of styles that spans breakcore, pop, glitch, acoustic, spoken word, ambient, and minute traces of all other forms of recorded sound. While it is kind of sort of mostly electronic music, almost none of the telltale signs arethere - there are no synth pads nor canned beats nor familiar samples in sight. Instead, mixing fractal organic beats and smart melodies with a unique combination of spontaneity and order, he assembles a rich set of textures and sounds that reveal more with each listen."

From At Home and Unaffected
Whose Side Are You On?
Distraction (Streaming Video)
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Kiss Me Deadly's Misty Medley

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After waiting for four months with only a four song ep to tide me over, Kiss Me Deadly finally released their debut full length on Alien8 titled, Misty Medley.

My immediate reaction is this: Kiss Me Deadly took what they did on this Summer's Amoureux Cosmiques EP, did it better, and did more of it; and really, that's all i wanted anyway. Ive noticed that most of the many reviews written about Kiss Me Deadly note Singer Emily Elizabeth's overly breathy vocals as the band's main downfall. Now, I must object. The guitars are fantastic, the melodies are great and catchy, but I dont think I would love this band as much as I do if it weren't for those very vocals. Its now very obvious how far they have come since those drony emo/math-rock days and it's definitely for the better. Plus, you've just gotta love all those one-word song titles...(Who can guess which other band recently used all one-word song titles?)

From Alien8: "[Kiss Me Deadly's] sophomore effort, 'Misty Medley,' is brimming with intoxicating pop songs that blend the anthemic power of indie rock with dance music...the album is steeped in the sounds of 90's shoegazing, 4AD, and D.C. punk while establishing its own unique style that is anthemic, quirky, and danceable. Musically they bring to mind a number of classic bands such as Echo And The Bunnymen, The Sugarcubes, Sonic Youth, Fugazi, and Blonde Redhead." Now you just have to listen dont you?

From Misty Medley:
Dance 4
Dance 1

*Sorry, I had to use megaupload for now, until I find a better place to host.
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New Dios(Malos) Track

Chris over at Gorilla Vs. Bear just put up an EXCELLENT track from the new and equally Excellent(so I've heard) Dios (Malos) album. I'll admit, I wasn't very excited by anything I'd heard by them thusfar but, I'm really loving this song. Go get it while it's hot.

Dios (Malos) My Broken Bones
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Those Transatlantics

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While on my intense Thunderbirds are Now! binge this morning i was looking for everything and anything involving them. One simple Google search led me to Suburban Sprawl Music. It seems this was the label that released their(now out of print) debut ep. Well, it turns out that they weren't the only amazing band to ever grace the Label's doorstep.

Meet Those Transatlantics. With a knack for picture perfect pop melodies and an incredible group dynamic, it's hard to imagine that they have only been together for a little more than a year. Singer Kathleen Bracken's powerful(yet, delicate) vocals paired with those of guitarist Michael Spence call up comparisons to The New Pornographers and Kathleen's voice alone draws a very strong resemblence to a particular three sisters. One thing is for sure, these songs will make you wish summer was still around. The band is currently hard at work to finish their debut full length in the coming weeks.

Visit their Myspace for more news and updates and of course, be their friend.

From the forthcoming full length on Suburban Sprawl:
Boys and Children, Sing for Summer (highly rec'd)
(In) Your (Neighborhood)
To The Editor

Bonus MP3 from Those Transatlantics' labelmates The Javelins:
Square Hips (highly rec'd)
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Greatest Cover Song Ever

So who remembers Veruca Salt? Well, Nina Gordon was the female lead singer and she has since completely dissapeared off the radar and began her solo career. As far as i can tell, this is all she's gonna need to explode back onto the scene. At least, for a little bit.

Nina Gordon - Straight Outta Compton
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My dog was lost but now he's found

Nope, this actually isnt a Fiery Furnaces post. heh...
My dog was hit by a car yesterday, and we finally found him today at Animal Control. Thank you so much, whoever found him.

It's been an even better day since i found this lovely bit of news:

From Mogwai's official site...
Hello there everyone.
I am back from my holiday now so don't worry because everything is alright.
The album is done. Yee hah.

Ive now been made aware of the fact that this post has been up for quite a while. Nonetheless, it's the first ive heard of it, and for all of you who have yet to see it... well, there it is.
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Ed in the Refridgerators

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Ed in the Refridgerators is one of the most pleasent finds of mine in recent months. They're on a tiny little label out of Massachusetts called Eskimo Laboratories that i so happily found on one of my excursions through the depths of the Asaurus Records links page. They just released a new record titled Get Excommunicated! and they have a wild obession with the Pope. Apparently, you can even Email the Pope right from their humble little website! Of course, I dropped Mr. Benedict a line. Sadly, I still havent recived a reply.

Ed in the Refridgerators also ran for Pope this year but they were "narrowly defeated." I wish them my deepest condolences. Read the press release here. and here.

On some songs("My Muscles", "Similar") they sound like The Walkmen singing The Unicorns. And other songs, "The Pope Song" for instance, sound just plain wierd, but a good wierd. Think organ-led avant church pop, yeah, thats the best i can do. If you can describe it better, tell me. "Similar" is my favorite so far. It tells the story of guy who doesnt like coffee, but he does like the girl at the coffee shop, so he goes and just stares at his coffee hoping that maybe she'll come stare at it with him, but she never does. Poor guy. Did i mention the two guys in the band are only 18 and 19 years old? Yeah. Shocking.

If you dont listen to these guys youre are really truly missing out. Even if you decide that they're terrible, you'll be glad you listened.

The Music...
"My Muscles"
"The Pope Song"

Buy Get Excommunicated! from Eskimo Laboratories.
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The Icy Demons

I stumbled upon Icy Demons while looking for an Olivia Tremor Control t-shirt on the Cloud Recordings website. I was first attracted to the amazing cover art and im pretty sure that's all it took to draw me in.

From Cloud recordings, " epic journey into the nether regions of pop music, hallucinatory chamber jazz, and mid-70s German-style electronics, the rich / warm sound of the upright bass is perfectly captured within the exquisite orchestrations featuring layered woodwinds, occasional vocals, and complex percussion patterns." All that aside, i'd say they sound like Do Make Say Think if they were, say... part of Elephant Six.

Decide for yourself...

From the album Fight Back!
"Icy Demons" (highly reccommended)
"Desert Toll"

Buy Fight Back! from Cloud Recordings.
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