Friday, September 29, 2006

Chilly Fall Mixtape Project: One and Two

Fall is really cool. Especially pumpkins and scarves.

It's that time again! I haven't done a mixtape project in a while, I don't think, and I decided I wanted to start one up again because I really enjoy doing them. Unlike the majority of other posts directed towards basically what's new and good, these give me a chance to revisit songs that I may not have listened to in a while, or songs that I just really love.

As you can see, this new mixtape project is focused on the Fall season, which is incidentally my very favorite season of all. Now, this is not going to be full up of songs with the words leaves and scarves in the titles, but more along the lines of songs that I, and hopefully you, associate with Fall and all the wonderful feelings it brings along with it. Well, let's dive right in.

1. [MP3]: Pants Yell! :: Our Turf
You rarely find a pop that can right an instrumental song and pull it off, let alone do it so well that it turns out to be one the best songs on their album, but that, among other things, is why Pants Yell! is so special. Also unlike most of the instrumental music I typically listen to, "Our Turf" is niether a.) long or b.) loud, it moves along at steady pace, never changing really, but there's something about it that just puts a smile on your face and kind of makes you forget about everything else going on around you.

2. [MP3]: Monster Movie :: Vanishing Act
This song, somewhat like the song above, makes me me feel very "at peace," which as I doubt anyone will argue, is a really great feeling. Be it the the strings, the acoustic guitar or the almost whispered Low-esque vocals this song is very warming. The somber lyrics also add to the dispiriting imagery that song already conveys musically: "Nobody knows me, it's how I wanna be / It's just a plan which no one believes / I'm not ready for this, I wont ever be."

Pants Yell! on MySpace
Monster Movie on MySpace
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Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Specific Heats: "Carl Sagan"

Mat and Jen of The Specific Heats (Keira not pictured)

You may remember a post I did on The Specific Heats quite a while ago before the new record came out. Well, the new record Aboard A Spaceship Of The Imagination has been out for over a month now and I guess I feel like talking about it again. Originally from Boston, but now relocated to Brooklyn, The Specific Heats make fun pop music influenced both by psych and surf rock. The album's closer(aside from the instrumental "Epilogue"), "Carl Sagan," is one of the best pop songs I've heard in a while, check it out below.

[MP3]: The Specific Heats :: Carl Sagan (Highly Recommended!)
I really have a soft spot for "Carl Sagan" because as I've made very clear before, I love the organ, particularly in pop songs. I'm not really sure why, but that sound paired with the jangle of indie pop-style guitar is just complete bliss to me. This album features many friends of the band on many of the tracks including this one, with Marisa of Skatterbrain favs The Besties sharing vocal duties with Mat. At around the 3:20 mark however, the song drops of leaving Mat's guitar all alone until one by one the drums and organ rejoin building up into a wash of sound and then ending again leaving just guitar to ride out the end of the song.
Check out a live video of "Carl Sagan" from Athens Popfest '06 featuring Marisa, here.

Aboard A Spaceship Of The Imagination was released in August on Total Gaylord Records. You can pick it up from their store for $10

The Specific Heats on MySpace
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bye Bye Bicycle: Bonjour Tristesse

Bye Bye Bicycle

I've had a good bit of luck with the mighty MySpace music machine lately, many bands of which I've already gotten around to posting on, but Sweden's Bye Bye Bicycle have been on the back burner for a while and it's about time they get heard. I'll admit, I've played them for a couple friends and most of them have had nothing too good to say about the vocals. Now, I personally really dig the vocals, but I can definitely understand why others wouldn't. Bye Bye Bicycle, as if you couldn't have already guessed, are a lovely jangle pop band. Their songs are similar in a sense to other pop bands such as Heavenly, in that behind the veil of sweet and catchy melodies, there's actually some very skilled and precise guitarwork. Just listen to this song, okay?

[MP3]: Bye Bye Bicycle :: Bonjour Tristesse (Very Rec'd!)
Starting off at full speed right of the gate, the shiny, twinkling guitar weaves around your head until it's cut off bluntly by the scream of vocalist Andre, and by now you will undoubtedly know whether you'll love this song or want to turn it off. I obviously loved it, and have found it pretty difficult to not shuffle around in my seat everytime I listen to it now.

Not too sure how you'd go about buying anything from these guys, but I would imagine you're best best would be getting in touch with them on MySpace.
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Monday, September 25, 2006

Saltine Crack Whores: "Wild Bikini" (Tullycraft cover)

First String Teenage High cover art

Back in good old 2003 BumbleBEAR Records, in conjunction with AAJ Records, released a twenty song covers compilation titled First String Teenage High. Their subject? Tullycraft! I the title didn't give it away, then the subtitle of the record probably should: "The songs of Tullycraft, played by people who aren't." It's really fun to hear all of Tullycraft's songs played in different styles and different paces, bu these covers are definitely not just novelty. A fair amount of them are actually really great songs in their own right. For example, who knew "Wild Bikini,"one of Tullycraft's fastest, bounciest songs, would sound this beautiful slowed down to an acoustic crawl? Anyone will love this version, even if they hate Tullycraft. But why on earth would you hate Tullycraft? Right?

[MP3]: Saltine Crack Whores :: Wild Bikini (Tullycraft cover) (Highly Recommended!)
[MP3]: Tullycraft : Wild Bikini

Buy First String Teenage High from BumbleBEAR for just $10!
Tullycraft on MySpace

P.S. If anyone has any more information on the Saltine Crack Whores, it would be very much appreciated.
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Friday, September 22, 2006

Heavenly: Escort Crash On Marston Street

Heavenly as a four-piece in 1991

It's no doubt that any big twee fans reading this are already deeply smitten with Heavenly, and probably have been for some time, but to anyone new to Heavenly, prepare to fall in love. After the break-up of the super-great Talulah Gosh in 1988, Amelia, Matthew and Peter re-formed in the summer of 1989 as Heavenly. Then the line-up was finally completed with the addition of the original Talulah Gosh bassist Robert. While retaining the fun and, at times, some of the tweeness of the previous outfit, Heavenly displayed a tighter, mature sound, particularly in Amelia's love-song lyrics and Pete's guitar playing. Check out "Escort Crash On Marston Street," and then try and tell me that you dont love it.

[MP3]: Heavenly :: Escort Crash On Marston Street (1991 Peel Session)
This track originally appeared as the b-side of She Says, a 7" released by K Records in 1992 as part of their "Int. Pop Underground" 7" series. The song is actually a reworking of the track "Wish Me Gone," which appeared on the band's first album, Heavenly Vs. Satan. Amelia's lyrics here are particularly cold and grim, but they somehow come out of her mouth just as cute any other love song she's ever written: "Hey now, Robert, you happy wit your smashed up car / And your broken neck bone, and your facial wounds? / You've murdered Amelia. Pete can no longer play guitar / And Mathew's brain is damaged." There's just something special about singing and dancing to a song about a fatal car crash.

Find out more about Heavenly, here.
you can buy pretty much all of their records from K Records' distro.
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Thursday, September 21, 2006

In Northern Minnesota Our Sun Went Grey

Chin Up Chin Up

The first album I ever bought based solely on one song on a blog post was Chin Up Chin Up's We Should Have Never Lived Like Skyscrapers, sometime around last fall. After I was a bit let down by their last EP, I was really hoping that the next album would build more upon the first record, which it most definitely has, stories up. After a move from Chicago's Flameshovel label, the band was picked up by Suicide Squeeze, who ultimately ended up releasing their brand new album This Harness Can't Ride Anything.

The reason I think the new album succeeds so well is because they new exactly what they wanted. They knew what worked on Skyscrapers and they also knew what didn't and what to do about it. Leaving the whip smart drumming and guitar picking intact, they made a choice to play up the vocals much more and also bring in an organ, which has added a whole new dynamic to many of the tracks. Aside from the title track, which is the album's clear standout, this track quickyl became my favorite.

[MP3]: Chin Up Chin Up :: Blankets Like Beavers (Recommended!)
[MP3]: Chin Up Chin Up :: This Harness Can't Ride Anything (Also Recommended!)
This song opens in what I'd consider a very Modest Mouse kind of way using Brock's forumla of careful picking--shreding--careful picking--shreding, with drums following closely, imitating each movement. The chorus, with it's organ-blaring full band stomp, quickly gives way to a slow breakdown with Jeremy singing "It's alright, it's alright this way, in Northern Minnesota our sun went grey, it's alright, it's alright this way, we woke up too late" before jumping back into verse on a blaring guitar line.

Buy This Harness Can't Ride Anything from Suicide Squeeze

The band will also be touring up throught he end of October with Cursive and Oxford Collapse supporting. You'd be crazy to miss these guys, so, um, don't!

The Dates:
FRI OCT 6 Pittsburgh PA, Brillobox
SAT OCT 7 Brooklyn, NY Grasslands w/ Oxford Collapse
SUN OCT 8 New Haven CT, Bar Night Club w/ Oxford Collapse
MON OCT 9 New Britain CT, Semesters w/ Oxford Collapse
TUE OCT 10 Buffalo NY, Mohawk Place w/ Oxford Collapse
WED OCT 11 Cleveland OH, the Spot at Case Western w/ Oxford Collapse
THU OCT 12 Urbana IL, Courtyard Cafe w/ Oxford Collapse
FRI OCT 13 Chicago IL, Empty Bottle w/ Oxford Collapse, Make Believe
SUN OCT 15 Denver CO, Ogden Theatre w/ Cursive, the Thermals
MON OCT 16 Colorado Springs CO, the Black Sheep
TUE OCT 17 Salt Lake City UT, In the Venue w/ Cursive, the Thermals
WED OCT 18 Boise ID, The Venue w/ Cursive, the Thermals
THU OCT 19 Walla Walla WA, Whitman College
FRI OCT 20 Seattle WA, Neumos w/ Cursive, the Thermals
SAT OCT 21 Portland OR, Roseland Theatre w/ Cursive, the Thermals
MON OCT 23 San Francisco CA, The Fillmore w/ Cursive, the Thermals
TUE OCT 24 Los Angeles CA, Safari Sams
THU OCT 26 Denton TX, Rubbergloves w/ Oxford Collapse
FRI OCT 27 Austin TX, Emos Lounge w/ Oxford Collapse
SAT OCT 28 Baton Rouge LA, Spanish Moon w/ Oxford Collapse
SUN OCT 29 Atlanta GA, the Earl w/ the Album Leaf, Oxford Collapse
MON OCT 30 Mt. Pleasant SC, the Village Tavern w/ Oxford Collapse
TUE OCT 31 Wilmington NC, the Soapbox Laundrolounge w/ Oxford Collapse
WED NOV 1 Washington DC, Black Cat w/ Oxford Collapse
SUN NOV 5 Philadelphia PA, Johnny Brenda's w/ Irving

Chin Up Chin Up on MySpace
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It's all illusion! It's all confusion!

Ben Kweller

When I recieved the Ben Kweller's new self-titled album the other day, I had a good feeling that it would eventually end up in the bottom of stack. I'm not even sure why I assumed I would ignore it, I've got nothing against Ben Kweller, infact I like his music quite a lot, but I was sure it wouldn't be listened to. So sure of this I was, I immediately asked my friend if he wanted it. He glady accepted, but ended up leaving it by accident. Looking back, it was really hot that day, a day you'd probably see in mid July.

I got home today and sat down to study for a test I had in a couple hours and there it was sitting next to me, so I put it in. I didn't put it in because I had nothing else better to do, and I didn't put it because it was in arm's reach. It was briskly cold outside today, the first real sign of fall I've felt so far, and I was now ready to listen. If I had listened to it the day I got it, I probably wouldn't have listened to it again, but listening to it today was absolute bliss. This is a Fall record, through and through.

From Kweller's warm piano ballads ("Thirteen", "Until I Die") to his electric guitar freak-outs("I Gotta Move", "This Is War"), every instrumental note of this album covers you like a warm blanket, allowing to to comfortably focus on his lyrics, watching each word float by like a leaf blowing in the wind. "The words we say won't matter anyhow, let's focus on tomorrow instead of right now!," Kweller exclaims on "Nothing Happening," basically summarizing the album in a nutshell. We've got no time to stop moving, there's way too many sights, sounds, and smells yet to be explored.

[MP3]: Ben Kweller :: Nothing Happening (Highly Recommended!!!)
As I said above, this song is really the heart of the album in my opinion. Starting out as bare paino, Kweller's eventually joined by drums and srummed acoustic guitar working through the lazy verses before launching into the catchy piano driven chorus. Piano dances in circles as kweller beams "Nothing is happening / it's all illusion! / It's all confusion!" The impending music video for this song better have a young couple running around, eventually ending up in a big pile of leaves, or I'm going to be really disappointed.

Buy the self titled album from
Ben Kweller on MySpace
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tim Williams: Novel

Tim Williams

With the way the whole indie singer/songwriter niche has become so grossly oversaturated in past couple years, it's no surprise that I'm typically turned off by them. I'll be honest, I blatantly ignore most singer/songwriters that come my way on principle alone, this personal principle that states that I am rarely excited about a one man show. That's just the way I am and that's why if you check back, you won't find to many in these here archives.

However, Tim Williams is one of the few exceptions to my principle as of late. His Merchant Heart EP won me over on the first listen through. Tthough I'd like to say otherwise,the five songs (two of which are demos) here are really nothing too new, we've heard this sort of thing before. The thing that ultimately puts them well above the rest is that Tim doesn't sound like an asshole, I actually enjoy listening to what he's singing. Too many of these types try to emote themselves all over me and it's just like, "I'm sorry but I don't believe a word you're saying." Unfortunately, the opening track "Novel" is the highpoint of the EP and though the rest is enjoyable, it never manages to really climb back up to that height for the remainder.

[MP3]: Tim Williams :: Novel (Recommended!)
I'm a big fan of bells and when they're used right they can be magical. Obviously they're used well here, or I wouldn't have mentiond them. The bells in the background of the otherwise bouncy acoustic chorus create a nice contrast and make for a great drive into work in the morning. It all comes together at the end with Tim repeating "I wrote all these lines for you" as the guitar, bells, and handclaps all come together, it's pretty beautiful. Plus, he's got a pretty sweet beard.

Preorder the Merchant Heart EP from Dovecote Records.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Appreciation Night

Bound Stems

The Chicago band Bound Stems, who released quite possibly my favorite EP of 2005, finally released their debut full length Appreciation Night today. Out on Flameshovel records, the album picks up right where the EP left, even bringing along a few of the EP tracks along with it. Every second of sound on this record exemplifies the band's great attention to mood and intricate instrumental precision. From the complex rhythms of tracks like "Andover" and "Excellent News, Colonel" to the dissonant guitar creshendo of closer "55 Cross St.," this album manages be continuously rewarding all the way up to the final applause. Check out a few tracks below:

[MP3]: Bound Stems :: Excellent News, Colonel (Highly Recommeneded!)
[MP3]: Bound Stems :: Wake Up Ma and Pa Are Gone (Highly Recommended!)

Buy Appreciation Night @ Flameshovel Records for $10!

Bound Stems on MySpace
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The Lucksmiths: Adolescent Song Of Mindless Devotion

Mark, Tali, and Marty of The Lucksmiths

I'm not too sure when The Lucksmiths' First Tape actually came out as a "tape", but the cd version came out back in 1993 on Candle Records, and I got around to hearing it for the first time this weekend and it just so happens to hold some serious pop gems. This song in particular might just be my new favorite Lucksmiths track ever.

[MP3]: The Lucksmiths :: Adolescent Song Of Mindless Devotion (Recommended A lot!)
Marty has consistently been becoming one of my favorite songwriters out there, and the more and more I hear, the more I love him (in a totally platonic way, of course). His lyrics alway seem to have this clever wit about them, while also staying sincere in his own sort of way. "I'll change my name to Matthew / leave a welcome mat on your floor / I don't know what five." The simple inclusion of the word "five" there is a perfect example of that wit, while he goes to sing one of of the cutest choruses ever sung.

Your best bet would probably be checking out Ebay if you're looking to pick up a copy of this, but for other Lucksmiths releases, check out Matinee Records or Candle Records.
The Lucksmiths on MySpace!
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Monday, September 18, 2006

Asobi Seksu Fall Tour Dates

Asobi Seksu

I was a little late finally getting around to listening to Asobi Seksu's Citrus, but I can say with much confidence that it will definitely be one of my favorite albums of the year. In support of Citrus, the band's heading out on a two month-spanning fall tour. I would love to check them out but of course they've decided to skip most all of the east coast, so I guess I'll have to wait until next time. For those of you lucky enough to have a stop near you, I'd really recommend heading out.

[MP3]: Asobi Seksu :: Strawberries (Cassettes Won't Listen Remix)

The Dates:
Sep 15 Ithaca, NY - Cornell University
Sep 16 Buffalo, NY - Soundlab
Sep 17 Ottawa, ONT - Babylon
Sep 19 Montreal, QC - Green Room
Sep 20 Toronto, ONT - Horseshoe
Sep 21 Detroit, MI - Lager House
Sep 22 Chicago, IL - Schubas
Sep 23 Milwaukee, WI - Cactus Club
Sep 24 Minneapolis, MN 400 Bar
Sep 26 Calgary, AB - HiFi Club
Sep 27 Canmore, AB - Canmore Hotel
Sep 28 Vancouver, BC - Media Club
Sep 29 Anacortes, WA - Department of Safety
Sep 30 Seattle, WA - Chop Suey
Oct 1 Portland, OR - Jackpot Records Downtown (2pm)
Oct 1 Portland, OR - Holocene
Oct 4 Santa Cruz, CA - The Attic
Oct 5 Costa Mesa, CA - Detroit Bar
Oct 6 Los Angeles, CA - The Echo
Oct 7 San Diego, CA Beauty Bar
Oct 8 Phoenix, AZ - Modified Arts
Oct 10 Tucson, AZ - Plush
Oct 11 Albuquerque, NM - House show
Oct 12 Denver, CO - Hi Dive
Oct 13 Kansas City - Record Bar
Oct 14 St Louis - Lucas Schoolhouse
Oct 15 Indianapolis IN - Radio Radio
Oct 16 Newport, KY - Southgate House
Oct 17 Nashville, TN - The Basement
Oct 18 Birmingham AL - Bottletree
Oct 19 Atlanta, GA - The Earl
Oct 20 Knoxville, TN - Pilot Light
Oct 21 Durham, NC - Troika Music Festival
Nov 11: San Francisco, CA Riott Festival at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium *

* w/ The Rapture, Explosions in the Sky, Clipse and more

Also: The band has Ok'd their song "Thursday" to appear in a trailer for the film Flannel Pajamas. More details on the film can be found here.

Asobi Seksu on MySpace
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Friday, September 15, 2006

Pants Yell! Radio Session and New Song!

Carly, Sterling, and Andrew of Pants Yell!

During their recent touring over in Europe, Pants Yell! stopped by Channel 4's Slash Music Radio for an exclusive in-studio performance. They played a set of three songs: two from their fantastic album Recent Drama, and one brand new song called "More Purple." You can download the MP3s seperately or just download them all in the .zip file. Much thanks to Andy for the rip.

[ZIP]: Pants Yell! :: Live on Slash Music Radio (6mb)

The Setlist:
1. [MP3]: Pants Yell! :: More Purple (new song!)
2. [MP3]: Pants Yell! :: Our Weather
3. [MP3]: Pants Yell! :: Kids Are The Same

If you haven't already, head over to Asaurus Records and pick up one of my favorite records of the year, Recent Drama.

Pants Yell! on MySpace
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Lullatone: Wake Up Wake Up

Shawn and Yoshimi of Lullatone

I've been a big big fan of Lullatone for sometime now thanks to my good pal Sydney, but I guess it had always slipped my mind to mention them here. Well, as it turns out, I'm still in the game, because they're still virtually un-talked about around the blogs. So, as you may know, here at Skatterbrain we like to bring you the cute, and there's really nothing cuter than "pajama pop."

Lullatone is Shawn James Seymour and Yoshimi Tomida and they make cute music, they like to call it "pajama pop." Layering bell tones on top of even more bell tones along with keyboards and other various noise making devices Shawn and Yoshimi create pocket-sized dreamscapes that you'll find yourself getting lost in anytime of the day, although, I'd be hard pressed to find something more absolutely perfect for getting up in the morning than "Wake Up Wake Up."

[MP3]: Lullatone :: Wake Up Wake Up (Recommmmmmended!)
[MP3]: Lullatone :: Leaves Falling (Reccccccccommended!)
Sometimes when I listen to a song with my eyes closed I can get a totally different feeling from the song, and that's the case with Lullatone, except all of there songs are better with your eyes closed. In fact, I feel like you almost miss half of the enjoyment of it with your eyes open. As soon as the bells come in on "Wake Up Wake Up" I can see little balls of color popping inside right in front of my face, and as layer after layer pile up upon each other it becomes just a wash of colors, flashing and popping. It's something alright, it's something really great.

Their latest full length, Little Songs About Raindrops was released last year by Audio Dregs in the U.S. You can buy it at for like fifteen dollars.

Lullatone on MySpace
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mixel Pixel: Coming Up X's

Cover art from Mixel Pixel's upcoming album, Music For Plants

Everything I've ever heard about Mixel Pixel is that they're wild. No one's ever been able to describe them to me in any other way, and since I had never heard anything by them prior to their forthcoming album Music For Plants, I went into it with but one reference point: Mixel Pixel are wild. After a few listens I've gotta say it looks like no one ever lied to me. See Below for proof.

[MP3]: Mixel Pixel :: Coming Up X's (Ridiculously Recommended!!)
There is no question why "Coming Up X's" was chosen as one of the initial singles from album, it's downright irresistable. This song succeeds in that Mixel Pixel have crafted quite possibly the catchiest chorus my ears have heard this year. I could listen to them repeat "High fives / But no one cares if / You're alive" at the end of the song for another five minutes and still be grinning ear to ear.

Music For Plants is due out on Halloween (!) on Kanine Records. Keep your eye on Kanine's shop, the preorder should be up soon.

Mixel Pixel on MySpace
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bat For Lashes: What's A Girl To Do?

Earlier this year, based on the underground success of her first single "The Wizard," Bat For Lashes, which is esentially just one Natasha Khan, gained quite a following in the UK. Yesterday, September 11th saw the release of her debut record Fur and Gold, which has already recieved a 5 star review from The Guardian, and for good reason. Nastasha has one of the freshest voices we've heard in a while, which will tend to obvious draw comparisons to Miss Chan Marshall, but Natasha's voice has a bit more depth to it. At times her voice is drenched in reverb giving it a classic sulty sound ala Broadcast's Trish Keenan, like on this track for example.

[MP3]: Bat For Lashes :: What's A Girl To Do? (Really Recommended!)
The Broadcast comparison goes even further than just the vocals on this track, what with the tom and bass drums stuck way far back in the mix, and just like the vocals, covered with reverb. This song finds Natasha in remorse over the fact that she no longer loves a certain someone, but doesn't know how to handle the situation: "When you love someone, but the thrill is gone, and your kisses at night are replaced with tears." As I listen to this record more and more it's really becoming a favorite.

Buy Fur and Gold from or on iTunes
Bat For Lashes on MySpace
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Math and Physics Club: Darling, Please Come Home

Math and Physics Club

Quite the departure from yesterday's post, but not so much in the general sound of things here, we have some more pop. Seattle's poetically cute Math and Physics Club released two fantastic EPs last year and after over a year of work they're finally set to release their debut self-titled album on Matinée Records in October. Check out this lovely track, from the upcoming record. Highly Recommened for fans of The Lucksmiths, The Razorcuts, Belle and Sebastian, et al.

EDIT: MP3 link removed by request, sorry.
[MP3]: Math and Physics Club :: Darling, Please Come Home
Though taking obvious lyrical cues from both The Lucksmiths and Belle and Sebastian, MAPC take those influences and create their own original short stories of love and here particularly, a love lost. The steady chugging percussion contrasted against the soft twinkling guitar creates the perfect atmosphere around Charles' vocals allowing the story to soak in to the point where you're almost lost in it. That's all we've ever wanted from a good story isn't it?

BONUS [MP3]: Math and Physics Club :: Weekends Away (From the Weekends Away EP)

Order both EPs from Matinée Records for just $8!
Math and Physics Club on MySpace (Unofficial)

Elsewhere: Head over to The Boy Least Likely To's website and take their cute little personality test!
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Monday, September 11, 2006

Les Georges Leningrad: Skulls in the Closet

Les Georges Leningrad

Hello All! I've finally returned from my little "vacation" from the blogging world. It was a good break, but it's time to get myself back inot the swing of things. Well enough about my break, onto the music.

Montreal's self-described purveyor's of "petro-chemical rock," Les Georges Leningrad will be releasing their third full-length album this fall on what I'm assuming will be Alien 8 Recordings. The new album, Sangue Puro, is a chaotic mess, and I mean that in the best way possible. Think Animal Collective meets CSS and Death From Above 1979 and I think you'' probably have a good idea of what to expect from Sangue Puro.

[MP3]: Les Georges Leningrad :: Skulls in the Closet
When I first heard this song and that damaged synth line at the very beginning, I was just imagining a commercial for some fancy European sports car in my head and then of course, the drums came in and it went away. But those first ten seconds or so... sports car commercial. Working off of that same synth line the song heads in a completely different direction with Poney P.'s outlandish and unmistakble shouted vocals taking the front seat, driving the song into a it's eventual violent uproar.

If you've never ventured into Les Georges Leningrad before, I highly recommend checking out this song from their last album Sur les traces de Black Eskimo.
[MP3]: Les Georges Leningrad :: Sponsorships

You can buy their previous records from Alien 8 Recordings
Les Georges Leningrad on MySpace
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Um, Sorry

I've been real busy adjusting to my new work and class schedules and just doing other things that aren't blogging so if you have felt neglected, I'm terribly sorry, but I don't wan't to just shoot out lame short posts, so once my I ease into my schedule a little bit more the regular posting will continue. We're on the cusp of something good.

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Blow Need Your Videos!!!

The Blow

Hello out there in the world,
girls, boys, men, women, others,

VIDEOS! We need simple little videos! From you. You you you in your world that we know nothing about.

We are trying to get 25 little mini music videos for use in the upcoming tour.
We want them to play on a screen while we sing the new song "Pile of Gold."
They can be really simple. The kind of thing you make in one day, or in two.
Which is convenient, because we need them by THIS TUESDAY. September 5th, 2006.

You can listen to the song, and download it for free at Watch the movie that we put up, that explains it in detail (and asks you to make one part of it SHINY!)
either here on myspace, or at Youtube (
And then you just go for it.

We are really curious to just have pictures of what it is like out there in the world, in your worlds. And to see what the song makes you think of, and how you might interpret it.
The videos will be in a huge grid (if we get enough of them) all going at the same time. The variety of images is going to look really cool, we think.

Ok. Awesome. Thank you.
Let 'er rip!

So, watch this video for further instructions, download the MP3 and get filming!

[MP3]: The Blow :: Pile of Gold

The Blow on MySpace
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The Storm Mix

I'd like to say that we here at Skatterbrain are the furst to bring you a storm mix, but that's not the case is it? I decided to make this yesterday morning but laziness and power outages kept getting in the way of publicizing my soundtrack for this particular occasion. The storm's slipped a little on my end by now, but it's still gloomy enough for this to work. For the rest of you this may range from very appropriate to completely irrelevent, and if irrelevency's your case then I might suggest folding this up and sticvking it in your back pocket until you run into a time where you can use it accordingly. Download and enjoy.

[ZIP]: Skatterbrain's Storm Mix (96mb)

01. [MP3]: Kaleidoscope :: Once Upon A Time There Was A World
02. [MP3]: Joy Division :: Shadowplay
03. [MP3]: Metallic Falcons :: Nighttime and Morning
04. [MP3]: Wilderness :: Arkless
05. [MP3]: Mogwai :: Tracy
06. [MP3]: Silversun Pickups :: Three Seed
07. [MP3]: Sigur Ros :: Gong
08. [MP3]: Shining :: Goretex Weather Report
09. [MP3]: My Bloody Valentine :: Only Shallow
10. [MP3]: M83 :: (star)
11. [MP3]: Godspeed You Black Emperor! :: Moya
12. [MP3]: A Silver Mt. Zion :: Sit in the Middle of Three Galloping Dogs
13. [MP3]: Explosions in the Sky :: Magic Hours
14. [MP3]: Archers of Loaf :: White Trash Heroes

Enjoy your weekend, kids. Stay safe. Kiss your mother.
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