First, let me just say that I had an amazing time at the Pitchfork Music Festival. The 13 hour drive was definitely worth seeing all the bands, meeting all the people and sweating all the sweat. However, it's nice to finally be back home. As you can imagine I'm quite tired, so please excuse the quick post. I'll probably get started on the tedious resizing of photos tonight, so reviews and photos from the festival will be up as I finish them, so keep checking back all this week and maybe next week for recaps. Okay onto the actual post.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah will be heading out on the road for a quick tour through September and October with Architecture In Helsinki and Takka Takka. If you couldn't figure it out for yourself, this tour will be awesome. AIH and CYHSY? C'mon!
September Your October Say Tour:
09.26.06: Boston, MA // Avalon * 09.28.06: New York, NY // Rumsey Playfield, Central Park † 09.30.06: Philadelphia, PA // Trocadero * 10.01.06: Cleveland, OH // House of Blues * 10.02.06: Chicago, IL // Vic Theatre * 10.03.06: Chicago, IL // Vic Theatre * 10.04.06: Minneapolis, MN // First Avenue - Main Room * 10.06.06: Englewood, CO // Gothic Theatre * 10.07.06: Boulder, CO // Boulder Theater * 10.12.06: Portland, OR // Crystal Ballroom * 10.13.06: San Francisco, CA // Warfield Theater * 10.14.06: Los Angeles, CA // Henry Fonda Theatre * 10.15.06: Los Angeles, CA // Henry Fonda Theatre *
* with Architecture in Helsinki and Takka Takka † with Architecture in Helsinki and ???
I had the treat of recieving nothing but awesome music this past week and among the many others, Ramona Cordova's The Boy Who Floated Freely has got to be one of my favorites. Listening to this album all the way through is an experience not to be missed. Ramona's MySpace say's he sounds like "a fairytale." That couldn't be more spot-on, his music picks you up out of your seat and tosses you back to your childhood where everyone is smiling and you havent got a care in the world except for swaying to the melodies. The Boy Who Floated Freely came out last year in the U.S. on ECA Records and this year in Europe on the Clapping Music label. So go buy it, if you haven't already, cause yknow, it's fantastic. Here's my favorite track from the album.
[MP3]:Ramona Cordova :: Giver's Reply (Highly Recommended!!!) I believe I've mentioned about 100 times now how much I love organ, right? Well, it's because I really do and this song utilizes it perfectly. In fact, most of the song is bare organ and Ramona's deliciously smooth vocals. After the soothing organ gets you all warm and comfortable, he whips out a drum and pots and pans beat out of nowhere and you're like, "Whoa! This is awesome." At least, that's what happened to me.
I know I said regular posting would resume yesterday but I am a liar. Though, not technically because I did plan on posting until I found out that I was going to Indiepopalooza, which I did not know about until I was about halfway through my workday. I got some great video and photos though and I have a nice recap planned for later today. I'll say this though: I have never had more fun at a show before(and I've never danced so much either!).
Anyway, an album I was able to aquint myself with over my relaxing mini-vacation in South Carolina was Classics, the new album from the duo Ratatat. Lots of people have been telling me to check these guys for abotu a year now and I'm really glad this album fell into my hands because I may have still not checked them out by now if it hadn't. I'm a huge fan of instrumental music already so there was no "getting used to it" for me. I was a fan after the first 30 seconds. Classics is out August 22nd on XL Recordings and has a golden wildcat on the front. Woo!
[MP3]:Ratatat :: Gettysburg I CANNOT stop listening to this song right now. I may eventually get tired of it, but I hope that's not for a while. A good ten seconds or so of drum machine and then comes the guitar. The fast strummed guitar that you'll eventually question as to why it's so damn catchy. This song is like a fast car ride at night, down a road you've never been on before, taking quick turns you've never taken before, all the while heading to a destination that could come up any minute. I mean, I guess.
I noticed a similarity between "Gettysburg" and this song by the band El Ten Eleven so I made a playlist of just the two songs and put it on loop and it was awesome. Should you feel so inclinded... [MP3]:El Ten Eleven :: My Only Swerving
I'm back home from South Carolina! It was a blast and I did a lot of relaxing, but it was a long ride back and I'm pretty drained. Big thanks to Matt for filling in! Regular posting will resume tomorrow! We made a sweet fire on the beach, I'm on the left, with the rolled up towel on my head. Cool.
Hey guys! I'm leaving for South Carolina tonight with a couple friends for a sort of mini-vacation (a week before pitchfork... my next paycheck is going to SUCK). Anyway, Matt from YANP is being kind enough to guest post for me until Tuesday. So goodbye for a few days, and look forward to some sweet stuff from Matt. Bye!
New Thunderbirds Are Now!: "Sleeping in the Lion's Mouth"
There's been a lot of talk going around concerning the "new" Thunderbirds Are Now! and how they're not as insane anymore, or that they've lost the energy they used to have on the new album, Make History. World's biggest lie. Make History may sound a bit different on first listen, but after immersing myself in it long enough I've found it grabbing me even tighter than Justamustache did. Sure, there's no "To: Skulls" here, but there's enough new ideas and directions to keep you busy figuring out which song is your favorite for weeks. Check out this track from the upcoming LP Make History and try to tell me they've lost they're edge, just try.
[MP3]:Thuderbirds Are Now! :: Sleeping in the Lion's Mouth Opening with sharper-than-glass guitar cuts, "Sleeping in the Lion's Mouth" is one of the more "rock" sounding songs on the album, that is, until the chorus comes around and more and more synth shots pile up right in your face and you realize it's still TAN! Then after a slightly obvious buildup, the song bursts into an amazingly awesome synth solo, probably my favorite single moment on the entire album.
Make History is out October 3rd on NYC's Frenchkiss Records and TAN! will be touring their asses off from September through November, so chances are they'll be coming to see you.
9/23 Detroit, MI @ The Magic Stick w/ Anathallo & more TBA 10/2 Winnipeg, MAN, CA @ Collective Cabaret* 10/4 Saskatoon, SAS, CA @ The Basement* 10/5 Edmonton, ALB, CA @ Powerplant* 10/6 Calgary, ALB, CA @ Broken City* 10/7 Vancouver, BC @ Richards* 10/8 Seattle, WA @ Chop Suey* 10/10 Eugene, OR @ WOW Hall* 10/12 San Francisco, CA @ Bottom Of the Hill* 10/13 San Diego, CA @ Beauty Bar* 10/17 Denver, CO @ Larimer Lounge* 10/22 Houston, TX @ Walters^ 10/28 Atlanta, GA @ Drunken Unicorn^
I really liked my old header, but I was slowly get getting very bored with it, so over the next couple days I'll be trying out a few new ones. They might suck, they might work, we'll see. I'd really appreciate your thoughts, criticisms, compliments, suggestions, whatever. Because if you hate it, I'm not gonna leave it up. So yep, we'll see what happens.
I've had this for a while and revisit it every now and then, and I never fail to find something new that I missed on the previous listen. Unless you have atleast some sort of an Elephant 6 obsession then there's a good chance you've never heard of this album before. Major Organ and the Adding Machine was released back in June of 2001 on Orange Twin Records, they originally gave this description of the album.
"The major is a sound poet, instrument builder and complete freak with his teeth out, talking alchemy and eggplants to a dog. the elephant six orchestra is the adding machine, interpreting the majors "compositions" and instructions to create a world of beards vomiting and birthing. please note: this is not neutral milk hotel under another name. this is aunt eggma under the name major organ under the name the elephant six orchestra who all are under the name alfred snouts. alfred snouts is the twin attached to the major, so really this would be a major organ album under the name of no one!"
So, while the infamous "Major Organ" is still a mystery, the confirmed contributors include E6 members such as: Kevin Barnes (Of Montreal), Jeff Mangum ( Neutral Milk Hotel), Julian Koster (Music Tapes, Neutral Milk Hotel), Eric Harris (Olivia Tremor Control), Will Cullen Hart (The Circulatory System, The Olivia Tremor Control), Andrew Rieger (Elf Power).
The album is unmistakably "E6," that's for sure. But those expecting a whole bunch of pop songs are not gonna find too many here. I enjoy this album for what it is, but realistically, there are only a few songs that you'll even remember listening to. That being said, here are my two favorite songs from the album. Save for a few others, these are the only actual "songs" on the entire album. Both tracks are highly recommended for fans of anything E6 or lo-fi pop in general.
[MP3]:Major Organ and the Adding Machine :: His Mister's Pet Whistles This song is, for lack of a better description, a "catchy mess." There's layered and distorted keyboards flying all over the places and percussion that soundsmore like banging on trashcans than actual drums. There's a really solid hook buried under all of this mess, and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about as soon as that fuzzed out guitar joins in.
[MP3]:Major Organ and the Adding Machine :: Madam Truffle As with "His Mister's Pet Whistles," I'm quite sure this song also features Kevin Barnes from Of Montreal on lead vocals. Fittingly enough, this song also sounds like it would fit pretty well somewhere on the second half of Cherry Peel by Of Montreal. Unlike the previous song, this one is a bit more organized and mostly relies on a catchy piano melody. But don't fret, there's still buzzing feedback and ringing telephones every now and then.
The Dears Sign To Arts & Crafts, Release New Album
The Dears have recently signed on with Canadian powerhouse label Arts & Crafts for the release of their upcoming album Gang Of Losers. After picking up the Hidden Cameras just last month it seems Arts & Crafts is finally deciding to pick up more and more acts outside of the Broken Social Scene circle. Here's a track from the upcoming album Gang Of Losers which will be released October 3rd in the US.
[MP3]:The Dears :: Bandwagoneers (Recommended!) I'm not very familiar at all with any of The Dears' previous releases, but if this song is any sign of what all of their output sounds like, then it looks like I might just become a fan. The song builds the whole time on churning guitars until exploding into each chorus, until the close of the song when the energy seems to grow even larger right before burning out. Also worth mentioning are the female "do do do do's" in the chorus, which can never do anything but help a song.
Of all the new releases coming out tomorrow, I'm definitely most excited about Two Thousand, the new album from French Kicks. Originally sharing a lot of the same energy and experimental pop sensibilities of their labelmates The Futureheads, French Kicks have since taken the experimental part a bit further as evidenced on their last album, and even more here. The new album is full of bigger hamonies, more complex melodies, and even more of the challenging drumming that made me fall in love with them in the first place. Two Thousand comes out tomorrow on Vagrant/StarTime Records, here's a good reason why you should pick it up.
[MP3]:French Kicks :: So Far We Are (Quite Recommended) This song opens the album with alternating guitar stabs, each one ringing into the distance after the other.The thing I find fascinating about this band is how the singer is the drummer, and yet, the drumming is so tight and very technical, especially evident on this song. Am I the only one who thinks that hi-hat beat is the best part of the song?
Did anyone else notice that earlier this morning Pitchfork had Think About Life as the top daily review with cover art, and now it's been moved all the way to the bottom of the list and is now just text. Weird.
Stumble It!
We’re just asking to be caught with our pants down
Busy morning at work today, so no real post for now. I'll try to get some actual content up later, but for now I'd liek to direct your attention over to Cokemachineglow, or more specifically, Mr. Aaron Newell's review of We Are The Pipettes, because, although I may be a bit biased, i think it's the only review I've read so far that seems to actually "get" the album. Of course, as I've said several times before, "getting" this record is as simple as realizing that there is just simply nothing there to "get." It is just a really fun, well produced album full of dancable guitar melodies, outstanding vocal melodies, and of course, pretty girls. So go, go read it now. it might even make the haters come around. Maybe.
Stumble It!
So, I've been sitting on this band Black Fiction for weeks now and I'm really not sure why, because their new album Ghost Ride is one of the freshest and greatest releases I've heard in a while. Set for release on SF label Howell's Transmitter on July 25th, Ghost Ride draws comaprisons to the likes of Animal Collective, Ariel Pink, Beck and even, on this song in particular, early soul artists. Look for this song -- no, this band -- to blow the hell up in the coming weeks. Yeah I'm calling it. Just like Babe Ruth.
[MP3]:Black Fiction :: I Spread The Disease (Highly Recommended!!) I sent this song to Chris over at GvB last night and his reaction was "Damn kid, post that shit", so if you don't trust me, you gotta trust him. This song opens with an extremely awesome bassline and then breaks into a beat that sounds curiously like the Charlie Brown Christmas special when Lucy is shaking the change in her metal can. Then, when you think it couldn't get any better, here come the vocals, the sweet sweet vocals that do not sound like they're coming out of a white San Francisco man's mouth. But they are, and that's just part of why this song is so great.
Elsewhering: This is about a month old by now, but it's brand new to me. Over at the Marmaduke Explained blog, Joe Mathlete of the pop band The Mathletes explains each day's new Marmaduke comic in 500 words or less and it's absolutely hilarious. This one is my personal favorite, "Marmaduke has been identified as the ringleader of a gang of criminal dogs by a lady dressed as an acorn, who was apparently the target of some sort of wrongdoing perpetrated by said gang. The police officer's sideways glance towards the reader indicates that he is not taking her complaint very seriously, but the fact that he took the time to round up and arrange three dogs on a miniature police lineup contradicts this air of mild annoyance."
Okay so I know I mentioned Mother less than a week ago, but I just cannot stop listening to this album, there is just so much to love. I don't know what to say about this song other than it's as hilarious as it is awesome. Do your wednesday a favor and download this song right away. For more detailed information on Mother, please refer to this post.
[MP3]:Mother :: Verbatim (Highly Recommended!!!) "I wear women's underwear, And then I go to strike a pose in my floor length mirr-or, I cross my legs just like a queer, But my libido is strong when a lady is ne-ar. What defines a straight man's straight? Is it the boxer in the brief or a 12 ounce steak? No! I tell you what a woman loves most, It's a man who can slap but can also stroke!"SO AWESOME!
Again, you can/should BUY their self-titled debut from their website.
Completely Unrelated: I'd be lying if I said I had actually kept up with the World Cup this year. However, I am consistantly ammused by every single one of those Zidane headbutt .gifs that I've seen around the web. This one here is the best one I've seen by far. Hahahaha Katamari!
P.S. This might be the only post for today because I'll be heading up to Philadelphia to see the Acid House Kings, The Legends, and Skatterbrain pals Brown Recluse Sings. If you haven't listened to any of those bands yet, they're all great, so it's time to get aquainted. All are highly recommended if you like fun catchy pop music.
Waaaaaaay back in ancient 2004, the Vancouver band Panurge released an album called Throw Down the Reins, which I listened to relentlessly for about the entire year. Needless to say, it was one of my very favorite albums of that year. But then 2005 went by with no mention of them at all, and 2006 was looking that way too, until today when I found out they're releasing a new album in August! The new album Walking In The Fog will be released by Last Gang Records on August 22nd. Check this track from the upcoming album, it's sexy.
[MP3]:Panurge :: Black Box (Pretty Recommended!) Correct me if I'm wrong, but does the opening of this song not sound like Donkey Kong Country background music? Anyway, that's just the opening, after that they roll in some pulsing synths and a catchy-as-hell guitar riff that comes in and out like clockwork. My shining moment of this song comes at approximately 2:25 when a rising barrage of blips, beeps and guitardrops out, giving way to a mellow breakdown that keeps the momentum of the song going, but takes it to a completely different place.
It's seems to be an El Paso, texas kinda week with new release announcements from Sparta, as well as the consistantly-getting-worse Mars Volta. I've probably made my LOVE for At the Drive-In clear before, but if I haven't, now you know. That's why I find myself unable to not like either of the aformentioned bands. I do however, enjoy Sparta a lot more than The Mars Volta though.
The new Sparta album Threes will be released by Hollywood Records on October 10th, but you can currently listen to the first single "Taking Back Control" on their MySpace page. Speaking of the new album, guitarist Jim Ward says, “Bands often talk about each new record as being an evolution, but in our case this album isn’t a step to where we’re going—we’re already there. This album marks our graduation.” Yeah, that sounds nice, but we'll see when I here it all. In the meantime, "Taking Back Control" is slowly growing on me.
Now, The Mars Volta, a tricky band for me these days. I loved their first album, and I love the roots from which they came, but I couldn't be more against the direction they've been heading in since Frances The Mute. The new album Amputecture, however seems to find the band trying to get back to the sound heard on their debut, the sound I liked. There are songs on here that I absolutely hate, a few I like, but unfortunately, there are none that I love. One that I do happen to like, is the first single "Viscera Eyes", which you can go stream on their MySpace page as well. Who in God's name thought bringing RHCP members into the band was a good idea?
Further Elsewheres:
I had succesfully kept a safe distance between myself and the music of Brazilian SubPoppers Cansei De Ser Sexy and it was working out beautifully, until today, when I saw this video, and was pulled into their web of awesome.
In our very first interview here at Skatterbrain, John Patterson, guitar player and the only source of testosterone in the Australian 3-piece, The Grates, was kind enough to talk to us about the meaning behind "19-20-20", writing songs as a 3-piece, the new album Gravity Won't Get You High, SXSW, coming back to the U.S., digital pets and he was even great enough to humor me by filling out one of those ridiculous MySpace surveys.
SKATTERBRAIN:Okay, let me get this out of the way right from the beginning. What on earth does 19-20-20 mean?
JOHN: 19-20-20 is the ages we were when we started the band, but we didn't get around to writing the song until we were 21-22-23 and now we're 23-23-24 (but tomorrow is my birthday then it'll be 23-24-24).
SB:It's nothing out-of-the-ordinary, but for some reason lately I've been particularly fascinated by how bands can be huge in one country and not nearly as popular in another. Is it strange transitioning from being wildly popular and playing huge shows in Australia and then coming over to the U.S. and being relatively unknown outside of the indie crowd and playing smaller venues?
J: Yeah it's weird but it's kinda exciting! It's like living a couple of different lives, and also like going back and playing your 1st ever shows all over again! i enjoy it. Last time we came home after touring the US and UK for a couple of months and it was like a huge shock! Our video had been all over tv and played heaps on radio and stuff, and while we were in the US we were like "there's NO WAY we're going to sell out these venues... they're huge" and then we get home and the whole tour sells out! Playing to small crowds reminds you of why you started a band in the 1st place and is heaps of fun, and then playing shows in australia is like the sweetest treat!
Photo by Kathryn Yu. Check out the rest of her work on Flickr.
SB:Speaking of playing shows, though I haven't had the priviledge of seeing you guys live yet, I have heard nothing but amazing things about your performances. I talked to one person who described one of your shows as "a huge birthday party," what do you think it is that makes your shows so unique?
J: Yeah, we've been decorating the venues like birthday parties recently with fairy lights and tinsel and helium balloons and stuff, but we're finished with that now. Now we're talking "winter wonderland" themed shows. Patience is so great on stage though... I think if i was a spectator she'd be the best thing about watching our show (don't tell alana this, she'd fkn kill me). Last night she made the whole crowd part down the middle like the red sea, took her mic stand into the audience, got a gymnastic ribbon and flailed about like an olympic gymnast. SB:I know you were here for SXSW this year, what did you think of that experience, is it something you would do again?
J: I love SXSW. It's so hard to get into good shows if you're an artist though, but it's heaps of fun finding out about all the secret shows that are going on through the whispers, and getting to see the Flaming Lips play to like 300 people and stuff like that. Also that's how we got signed in the US (from the 1st time we played SXSW in 2005), so that was cool. I'd definitely do it again. Depends if they want us again!
SB:Speaking of being in the U.S., can we expect there to be any sort of touring here before the end of the year or will we have to keep our fingers crossed for something in 2007?
J: We'll definitely be back at least 1 more time this year. I don't know what we'll be doing yet but we'll back soon! Promise!
SB:Okay, onto the brand new album Gravity Won't Get You High, which is one of my favorite album titles of the year so far. How did you come up with the title? Is there any sort of story behind it or was it something that sort of popped into your heads?
J: A friend of ours, kali, actually came up with it, but it was all kind of an accident! When we were thinking about album titles, we couldn't come up with anything good, and we flashed back to looking through her graphic arts folio, and she had a little astronaut saying "gravity won't get you high" and we really thought it was funny, but then we took a liking to it, because it means "just sitting around isn't going to get you anywhere".
SB:Hands down my favorite line on the album would have to be: "i'm a seal know that by heart, you're unwell how could we part? got a goat and got a bear, little girl got to make up your mind, little girl think what you've got inside." I've tried endlessly to figure out what it actually might mean, but I've got nothing. Am I trying to solve a trick question or is there actually some meaning behind it?
J: Ok this actually means something I think. It's kinda nonsense. It's about spirit animals, we'd always try and work out what everyone's spirit animal was to kinda sum up their personality. Patience is the seal, our old sound guy Dave was the goat, I'm the bear and we couldn't work out Alana... so she had to look inside and find her spirit animal. By the way, I'm bored of being a bear and i'm thinking about changing it. I'm not sure who was unwell though, that might be a Patience Hodgson family secret.
SB:Do you ever feel any limitations when writing songs given the fact that it's only three of you, like "Oh, this would be good there, but we can't do that because it's just the three of us"?
J: No... we always just try to write good songs that can be broken down to just 3 things, but aren't afraid of building things up with recordings or live. But, we write with just guitar and drums and vocals. My favourite songs can be stripped back to nothing, but still be good songs, but that's not always the BEST thing for the song, so we're always trying to work out what's best for the song.
SB: If you could pick any two artists or bands to play a show with who would it be and why? Also, if you had to pick two people knit a quilt with who would it be and why?
J: Weezer, Pinkerton era and Eels. Quilt-wise, I don't really care. Two people that are good at knitting quilts, so that they see me struggling and be like "Oh here let me take over, you're terrible" and then I'll just duck out for coffees.
SB:I really love the art on all of your releases and even your press photos as well. Do you as a band come up with the art and direction for your releases and photos or is that all handled by someone else?
J: Yeah, we do ALL this stuff! I've been up late the last two nights designing t-shirts and single artwork for a cd that's going to radio in Australia soon. My favourite part of being in the band is all the different areas we get to work in! Like playing live, writing, recording, design, websites, writing stories, making videos, etc.
J: Nah he died, and then she got a cat, and then the cat died, and then we got Nintendogs. Patience has one called Duke and mine's called Tipsy. They don't die, they just run away if you mistreat them.
The Infamous MySpace Survey:
1. Do you still talk with the first person you kissed?
It depends. I don't talk to the 1st girl I "kissed" (Tina McLeary when i was 6) but I talk to the 1st girl I made out with (Alana Skyring!)
2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
Well, he's one of my best friends. Once my friend Lee Fletcher got drunk at a party at my house, and I went to the toilet and he was naked sitting on the toilet.
3. Are you obsessed with someone?
Currently, Joe Matt and Motley Crue, cause i'm reading their books. I get obsessed with people all the time and then get sick of them really quick.
4. What is the best thing about your job?
Getting to work in so many different feilds.
7. Did you get any compliments today?
Not yet.
8. Where are you going on your next vacation?
9. When was the last time you kissed someone?
A while ago.
10. Are most of your friends guys or girls?
11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
Not currently, but I used to in my old house.
13. If you could have one super power what would it be?
Invisibility, or a remote control like Click (I haven't seen Click, but the remote control looks like sweet fun).
14. Where have you lived most of your life?
15. Why is the sky blue?
Something about the atmosphere.
16. Where do you see yourself in 4 years?
Hopefully still busy!
17. What's your favorite smell?
18. What is your least favorite sound?
Sawing through tubes of metal.
19. Are you moody?
20. Favorite movie of all time
At the moment, Punch Drunk Love.
21. Have you ever done anything hurtful to a classmate?
Yeah, once I pulled someone chair out just as they were sitting down and they fell on the ground.
22. Have you ever gone to therapy?
23. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
24. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house?
25. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
26. Have you ever gone camping?
Yeah, I hate camping. Never again
27. Have you ever had a crush on your Sibling's friend?
28. Have you ever gone to a nude beach?
29. Have you ever gone streaking?
30. Have you ever had a stalker?
If I have, they've been discreet.
31. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
33. Have you ever gone to a party?
Yes! I've only been to a couple of sweet parties where the cops get called. That's when you know it's a sweet party.
34. Have you ever been in love?
35. Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?
36. Have you ever lied to your parents?
Of course!
37. Have you ever been out of the US?
Yes :P
38. Have you ever thrown up from working out?
I dry reached heaps once from running.
39. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight?
No. But I've had some bad haircuts.
40. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day?
Probably. That's what happens when you're on tour.
41. Last song you listened to?
"There's Always Tomorrow" - Red Red Meat
42. Are you a jealous person?
Not really. Sometimes.
wheres 43?
I'm 43 now but will I live to see 44 the way things are going, I don't know.
44. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers?
45. Who was the last person who called you?
Our tour manager telling me to wake up yesterday!
46. When was the last time you slept for 12 hours straight?
47. Have you ever been cheated on by someone?
48. Have you ever stolen anything?
Once when I was 12 i watched out while my friend stole a bag of popping corn. Oh and once I stole a cd rack, but it was only cause they were outside the shop and I though they were free.
49. Have you ever consumed egg nog?
50. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?
I couldn't even begin to describe how on the fence I am concerning the solo work of Matthew Friedberger of The Fiery Furnaces. It must be noted that The Fiery Furnaces are a band that I hold very dear to my heart. I cherish every second of music they've created together, I even more than moderately enjoyed Rehearsing My Choir. Now, I'm not foolish enough to lead myself to believe that Matthew isn't the main creative genious behind my precious Fiery Furnaces, but the thought of him doing it on his own, however gloriously wonderful and catchy it may be, just doesn't sit well with me.
Even after making two or three rounds through Winter Woman, I still kept waiting for Elenor's vocals to come in on almost every song. Obviously they never did, and word on the street is that it doesn't matter, but it is that really the case? Is Elenor really not a neccesity in enjoying the music of her brother? I still honestly don't know, there's only only one version of Winter Woman, and that version is sans-Elenor and no one will ever really know whether she would have helped or hindered the record. All one can really say, without dragging this out too far is that this album is definite success. Whether is could've been more successful, who knows. One thing I do know though, is that this song is awesome.
[MP3]:Matthew Friedberger :: Ruth Versus Richard (Highly Recommended) There are solid songs that appear before "Ruth Versus Richard" on the album, but on my first listen through, this song hit me like a brick. It's also one of the few songs on the album where I wasn't questioning the lack of Elenor's vocals. As you may find, and the Hype Machine might prove, this is probably the album's catchiest and most successful moment, with Matt Friedberger leaving behind his desire to screw with our senses and just give us exceptionally poppy treat complete with synth strings. I really love synth strings, really.
As you may have noticed, I didn't address Holy Ghost Language School at all. This is because I've only given it one decent listen through and I still have nothing to really say about it, other than what anyone else might say and plus, I enjoy Winter Woman a lot more. Winter Woman/Holy Ghost Language School will be released by 859 Recordings on August 8th.
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While doing some much needed label website browsing I remembered Turn Records, the great label that released one of my favorite albums of 2005, Thee More Shallows' More Deep Cuts. Well, it turns out they already released a new EP right under my nose. The new EP titled Monkey Vs. Shark came out May 9th and has apparently recieved great reviews and immense praise, especially for this, their haunting and brilliant cover of Al Green's "I Can't Get Next To You."
If you missed out last year when Thee More Shallows were all over the blogs, then you may not have heard this song, probably one of my top five favorite songs of last year.
How come no one told me how awesome this band was?! I heard about Headlights a few months ago when I found out that were releasing a split 7" with Skatterbrain favorites The Most Serene Republic, but like a fool I neglected to check them out. Now, because of my foolish decision, I'm likely the very last blogger to be mentioning them. Incidentally, headlights have more in common with The Most Serene Republic than just releasing a split together. Headlights have got a good solid hold on that dreamy noise pop sound that I've come to know and love from The Most Serene Republic, but without the challenging time signatures and songwriting that makes some people shy away from the Canadian 7-piece. Their debut LP Kill Them With Kindness will be released on Polyvinyl Records on August 22nd. Also, I would like to take this moment to acknowledge that lead singer Erin Fein is in fact one of the one most beautiful women in indie rock.
[MP3]:Headlights :: Put Us Back Together Right (Highly Recommended!) "Put Us Back Together Right" was the track that appeared on the split with TMSR and it also happens to be my favorite song by them. Anyone who's been reading for at least a month should know by now that I am a huge fan of dramatic build ups, and it's even better when said build up includes a piano. After about 30 seonds or so a galloping drum roll comes and scoops up the piano, just before it's joined burning atmospheric guitar ala-My Bloody Valentine and the previously mention band. If you haven't already heard this, then I guarantee after one listen through the "Take us apart and put us back together right" part will definitely be stuck in your head for a while.
I just recently started reading Nothing But Green Lights and it's quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs out there. If you're not already a fan, take this moment to pop over and give it a look see.
My man Brad just recently started up a blog of his own and is already killing it. Head over and check out his "Songs with 'OoOoh' choruses" mix featuring my favorites The Lovely Feathers, The Grates and more.
Hahahaha."What started somewhere in Boston, MA with only a few secret dancing agents is now a larger than life dance extravaganza. A clandestine group called the Super Secret Dance Society is teaching hipsters how to get down, one silly move at a time. While details are obscure due to the secrecy of the community, did manage to receive this video documenting SSDS's first official mission, aptly titled Operation Panther Storm, part of the clandestine group's 'viral plague of joy.'" If you feel like you really need to, you can watch the video here and read the rest of the article here.
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A re-occuring problem that I see most often being a blogger is that sometimes I find myself overlooking albums that have already been blogged up and down all over the internet, because what's the use right? Now, that's a unfortunately terrible outlook to have, but it's truthfully how I feel sometimes. Now, the reason I say that is because that's almost what happened with Brooklyn's Metallic Falcons. I'd seen them everywhere, and for some reason I felt like I had no need to look into it further. However, had I not looked into it further I probably would've made one of my biggest mistakes of the year because this album left me almost speachless. It's very rare that an album can get under my skin like Desert Doughnuts does. There are plently of albums that have already come out this year that I absolutely love, but I haven't been this taken aback by an album in this way since last year's Horses in the Sky by A Silver Mt. Zion.
This album is all about space; not outer space, although at some points it may feel that way. It's about open space and a feeling of emptiness, it's about dead air, particularly haunted dead air. The vocal teamwork of Sierra Cassady (CocoRosie) and Matteah Baim is extremely arresting, although most of the album's charm(if you want to call it charm) comes mostly from Sierra. Though not quite as evident in her work in CocoRosie, Sierra has got an incredibly versatile, classically trained and operatic voice with a range that can go from angelic to absolutely haunting from one moment to the next.
The songs here could be considered art-rock if anything, though it is speckled with influences of freak-folk, post rock, opera, found sound, you name it, it's bound to be buried in here somewhere. The opening track "The Journey" manages to disguise itself as a choir of angels just long enough for you to settle in before it turns into a burning shoegaze affair with dramatic rambling percussion, tom-rolling away under the haze of foggy distorted guitar.
My favorite track on the album, if only for the fact that even after listening to it some 15 times it still gives me shivers up my spine, is "Nighttime and Morning." If you're like me, the first time you here this song you're probably gonna think you have the volume up too high. Except... you wont. The first third of this song is the perfect example of this album's overall feeling of open space and dead air, because that's exactly what this is, ghostly singing over nothing but hushed white noise. Now, while I do enjoy it, I don't love this track for it's generous display of white noise, I LOVE, and honestly am a little scared of it, because of Seirra Cassady and her delivery of one of the most beautifully terrifying vocal performances I've ever heard.
Following a short stint in Australia in September(see below), Will Sheff and the rest of the Okkervil River boys will be heading out on an almost country spanning tour through most of October. Looks like the West coast is actually getting left out for once (no offense to you guys, but you always take all the good shows). Chatter around the band's official message board indicates that they'll be playing and premiering a whole bunch of new songs on this tour. Woo!
09/06/06 Brisbane, Australia - The Zoo 09/07/06 Sydney, Australia - Newtown RSL 09/08/06 Melbourne, Australia - East Brunswick Club 09/09/06 Adelaide, Australia - Fowler's Live 09/10/06 Perth, Australia - Rosemount Hotel
10/03/06 Little Rock, AR - Revolution w/ Elvis Perkins 10/04/06 Columbia, MO - Blue Note w/ Elvis Perkins 10/05/06 Ames, IA - The Maintenance Shop w/ Elvis Perkins 10/06/06 Madison, WI - High Noon Saloon w/ Elvis Perkins 10/07/06 Chicago, IL - Schuba's w/ Elvis Perkins 10/08/06 Chicago, IL - Schuba's w/ Elvis Perkins 10/09/06 Ann Arbor, MI - Blind Pig w/ Elvis Perkins 10/11/06 Columbus, OH - Little Brother's w/ Elvis Perkins 10/12/06 Buffalo, NY - Soundlab w/ Elvis Perkins 10/13/06 Northampton, MA - Iron Horse Music Hall w/ Elvis Perkins 10/16/06 Baltimore, MD - Ottobar w/ Elvis Perkins 10/18/06 Durham, NC - Due Coffeehouse w/ Elvis Perkins 10/19/06 Athens, GA - Caledonia Lounge w/ Elvis Perkins 10/20/06 Asheville, NC - The Grey Eagle w/ Elvis Perkins 10/21/06 Memphis, TN - Hi-Tone w/ Elvis Perkins 10/22/06 Houston, TX - Warehouse Live w/ Elvis Perkins
Will Sheff will also be heading out on his own for a select few dates in August. If you have a chance to make it out to one of these dates, I would highly recommend it.
08/03/06 Wilmington, NC - The Soapbox Laundro Lounge 08/05/06 Birmingham, AL - Bottletree
Today I found a link to this video someone made on YouTube, it's a Lego animated music video for the Okkervil River song "For Real." I don't quite understand the video but I guess it's pretty cool and I have a lot of respect for whoever animated it.
The Vancouver band Mother independently released their debut album last year and as far as I can tell, it went almost completely unnoticed, but I recently got to hear it and I have no idea how this band hasn't exploded yet. Influenced apparently by such diverse bands as Pixies and the Beatles, the most recent and closest comparison I can think of would be something along the lines of the new Danielson record but with more of compacted sound. A national release of their self-titled debut is expected by the end of the year so keep your eyes peeled for that, but for now, listen to this song and then buy the album from their website here.
[MP3]:Mother :: Polynesia The song opens with sharp acoustic guitar that is soon joined by drums and Deerhoof-y female vocals harmonizing back and forth singing some of those most ridiculous and melodic lyrics I've heard in while: "We're in a ship and we are sailing by, all of the fish and all the octopi, we look them right into their octopi eye, eye eye eyes." That opening line there just might be the single catchiest lyric I have yet to hear this year. Although, it didn't come out this year, this song could easily fly past Peter Bjorn and John's "Young Folks" and become my favorite song of the year, just listen once and you'll understand why I'm hyping it up so much.
Ivy League's Alex Suarez and Ryland Blackinton met in high school back in 1997 and have been making music on and off ever since. Sounding like a blend of Simon and Garfunkel, Camera Obscura and labelmates Acid House Kings, Alex and Ryland make dreamy pop music characterized by sugar-sweet harmonies and catchy acoustic and electric guitars. The first single, "London Bridges" from their forthcoming album will be released August 1st on the fabulous Twentyseven Records. This cover appears as b-side on the single and as is not typically the case with covers, it's definitely a standout.
[MP3]:Ivy League :: Crown of Love (Arcade Fire cover)Sorry, link removed by request If I remember correctly, I believe this song has been covered by other artists, but this is first time I've ever heard the song not done by the Arcade Fire. First of all, the song works VERY well in an acoustic arrangement which takes some of the emphasis off of the music and focuses more on the beautiful lyrics of the song. Alex and Ryland's harmonizing is also a plus, as it is with all of their music. The vocals are definitely their (very) strong point.
I also highly recommend downloading their single "London Bridges", as it happens to be a equally fantastic pop tune and I can't seem to get it out of my head.
it's fourth of July folks and since I'll be too busy eating hot dogs, sweating and lighting things on fire that I typically wouldn't be lighting on fire, this is gonna the only post today. So, please enjoy this lovely mix of songs that I'll be blasting all day. Not really fourth of July themed but, just a bunch of fun summer songs. Happy Fourth of July, guys! I'll be back tomorrow.
Last year me and a few friends went to my uncle's house and drove one of his old cars through the massive stretch of woods on his property. we drove it through people's backyard's and through cornfields until ultimately crashing it into a tree. My uncle eventually came down in his underwear on a ride-on lawnmower to rescue us and then we made ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Anyone else got any out-of-the-ordinary fourth of July stories?
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2006 has been a big year so far for Baby Calendar. Formerly of Miami, Florida the band made a move this year to indie pop mecca Athens, Georgia and released an album on Athens' own Happy Happy Birthday To Me Records. The new record, Gingerbread Dog(the band's third, but first on HHBTM), finds Tom Gorrio, Jackie Biver, and Arik Dayan working through eleven tracks of heavily melodic and exciting pop songs with undeniablely cute back and forth boy/girl vocals. In accordance with my recent cute pop music binge I've been listening to this song all day long and I'd highly suggest it to fans of Rainer Maria, The Brunettes, Rilo Kiley, et al.
[MP3]:Baby Calendar :: Traffic in the Tropics Whenever I describe songs on here, I try to mostly lean away from delving into the titles and lyrics because I'm not that not very good at analyzation in that sense and I don't pretend to be. That being said, I think it's fairly obvious that "Traffic in the Tropics" is about Miami, or more specifically, their move from Miami to Athens. Now, I could be wrong, but I think I'm right. Okay well, anyway, there's a funny thing about this song because unlike, well just about every other song I like, I happen to like this song's verses more than it's choruses. The whole "boy says something, girl finishes his thought" thing they've got going on is a tactic that I'm ecstatically fascinated by.
No big news today or advance album leaks, just a few newly discovered ten year-old songs that I can't help but want to share with you. If you're a big fan of the band Rocketship already then please don't cackle at me because it took me ten years to find out about them, or well, be told about them. The wonderful Jewlie from The Fabulist introduced me to them this past week after I begged her for the cutest, most happiest music she had because that's all I've wanted to listen to for some time now.
Rocketship formed back in 1993, making 60's influenced bedroom twee-pop, but not your typical twee-pop. What distinguished this group, besides its killer instinct for great melodies, was its incorporation of elements of British shoegazer rock, especially layers of ringing guitars and swirling, pschedelic organ drone. The band eventually released their debut LP A Certain Smile, A Certain Sadness back in 1996 on the seminal pop label Slumberland Records. The underground success of A Certain Smile... managed to earn the group a bit of a cult following, that still continues to grow even now, ten years later. Unfortunately, following the release of A Certain Smile..., the original lineup dissolved, with singer/songwriter/guitarist Dustin Reske alone retaining control of the band's name and pushing Rocketship in an increasingly ambient direction. Anyway, regardless of what music Rocketship is making now these songs, and this album in general, have successfully made me happier than any song ever has, and I guess that's enough reason to demand you listen to it.
[MP3]:Rocketship :: Kisses Are Always Promises [MP3]:Rocketship :: I Love You The Way I Used To This might not be something everyone will love, but there isn't a second of either of these songs, or actually the whole record for that matter, that I'm not madly in love with. It could be the overly warm and sunny weather influencing my tastes lately , or maybe it just feels good to be this happy about music. Either way, let me know if any of you feel the same way.
The Arctic Monkeys had almost gone and completely ruined my love for heavy accents in music, but luckily for me, Los Campesinos have gone and totally reestablished my old feelings. This Cardiff, UK band makes highly dancable pop music with influences ranging from Pavement and Sonic Youth to The Shins and The Unicorns. Word on the street is that they now have an EP out, but I don't see anything mentioned on their MySpace about it and I do believe that that is their only home on the internet. I shall investigate this further and if you like it, I'll try to point you in the right direction for more. This song has the potential to be one of my favorite car-dancing songs of the Summer.
[MP3]:Los Campesinos :: You! Me! Dancing! There is over a minute of this amazing ringing, almost math-rock-esque, guitar buildup in the beginning of the song before it bleeds into some quick paced kick and then just like, it blows up right in front of your face, trading precise picked ringing for rough jangly bliss. When the ultra catchy chorus comes around, these kids are set on making sure you know they can dance: "If there's one thing I could never confess, it's that I can't dance a single step, it's you, it's me, it's dancing!" The spoken word/chorus at the end of the song took a few listens to grow on me, but I think it really adds to the song, which typically isn't the case with those type of vocals.
I've been asked by a few people lately if I would do a sort of "song for the traveler" mix and at first I was kinda ehhhh about the idea because I figured it would be essentially like the Summer Drive mix, but after thinking about it, I realized it could be much different. It would be for like, people traveling sans automobile, through say, the woods, the mountains, cornfields, the the arctic, etc. I would really like people to be involved in this one though, meaning you guys make suggestions or send me songs you think would be appropriate. I'm going to do a more developed introduction post about this idea, but this is just an early heads up to see if it's even something that would be worth doing.
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"Sometimes when I'm walking down the street, oh oh, I hear a song, and I just love the beat, and I want to tell all my friends."
The stuff I post is typically for sampling purposes only. If you like what you hear go out and support the artist and buy their stuff and KEEP INDIEPOP ALIVE! If you are totally sure you want something removed, please contact me. If you're not completely sure, you should probably sleep on it and then see how you feel in the morning.
This site is run, designed, and loved by Matthew Edwards. He likes that you like to read what he writes sometimes. He lives in Towson, Maryland. It's relatively nice.